Morning walk to the Monkey temple, and soon the last walk in Nepal - TopicsExpress


Morning walk to the Monkey temple, and soon the last walk in Nepal will be in the past. Making the path for new movements. The same sun in Sweden, the same feet and breath, but not the same room mate, nor the same roads or views. Not same, but the differences is a part of the enjoyment with experiences made while travelling, made while living. And what is the lesson most learned if not this - love the impermanent, cause everything will change, better accept it and enjoy each moment, forget the past and the future. Just be aware of the present moment, and youll be free. Free - from your own boundaries. Free - from your own limitations and obstacles. Free from what youve created. Free, but not immortal, not allowed to do everything. Not a bird flying in the sky. Free from your layers of illusions, free to see your truth. Free to be able to see clear and able to freely choose between all of the choises you have. Not putting donts to a list that dont exist. When all your boundaries are gone, all your opportunities resist. Its a way of looking to the moment. What eyes are watching. Let them be open for the truth and closed for the illustions. Im not there. Not yet. Sometimes worries to much about things that will happen. Sometimes feeling bad or sad for things I think wont happen but actually dont know anything about, sometimes regret things and repeat destructive thinkings over and over again even though I cant change it. Sometimes wants to expand the moment for ever and it seems like the same second I try to keep the feeling it dissapear. When I let it go, it seems to stay. Actually the total of the sometimes is almost an always. Everything is changeable. Even a newly married couple know they will one day leave each other. But hopefully the present noment is expanded until death separate them. The surroundings on their path may change a lot but they keep on walking side by side. Instead of feeling sorry for the changes - love the impermanent, its all we have. By hatred every moment will pass without living it. Life will go without any life lived. The change is life. By letting go your letting yourself free. To rise and fall. And stay. Aware. Just as the sun rise and set, dont desire anything you cant control, let what happens be spontaniously. What you can control in life - let every step be made with your full awareness, and let the rest go without affecting you - and you will be free. Dont force anything, dont fight agains whats out of your control. Just be aware, reflectate about whats happening. Carefully make the only decisions you can make in this moment and then leave it. Go on. Until I know how to really follow that lesson, Ill keep on learning from the sun. Rise and fall. And its just how it is. Dont judge it too hard, instead learn how to rise and how to softly fall. There will be more rises and falls, better enjoy when lifes up, then worry about the downs. Better have in mind the downs will turn, than loose yourself in the falling. While falling its sometimes to hard to stop the force downwards. Dont blame the free falling. Dont suppress the feelings making layers in the unconsciousness. Just let go without force. Help yourself catching your breath - and stay still for a while. In the present moment, it seems to be no movement at all. And youre free to walk, wherever in your thoughts, the only steps no one else ever can take from you. Love the impermanent. The changes makes to totality. But please, let the falls be soft and let more of ups and stillnesses be present. And when the falls appear, stay there catching the one falling. If life is a journey of changes. And if to love the impermanent is to make the journey worth travelling. Then I think to share the changes with some people that remain through all of the movements us what make my journey full of life. Stable trough instability. Catching while falling. Lifting higher while rising. Stay longer in the moments worth staying in. Love the impermanent - together. Like falling from a headstand doesnt hurt if someone to trust stays there smoothening the movement. All the falls in life doesnt have to hurt. And those who hurts, will be somewhat softer together. Catch others. Catch yourself. Be kind, help yourself to turn again and others to find themselves again with you being the same. Stay. And be aware of next present moment. Its already here.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 10:10:48 +0000

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