Morning yaall - Gov Perry is sending National Guard to the border. - TopicsExpress


Morning yaall - Gov Perry is sending National Guard to the border. We have drug cartel - human traffickers - Syrians - Muslims - criminals -some bad people coming over into Texas !! Its not just kids - and the Mexicans who want to work . This has been going on forever - no one did jack about it ? Do you think these countries who want to destroy the U.S. dont see this - didnt figure this out - are not sending bad people across the boarder too ? They are testing the waters - someday there will be Hamas - Isis - Al-Qaida coming across our boarder in waves with backpack bombs. The piece of terd we call a president is going golfing - he is fundraising for his democrap friends - all the turmoil in the world - he does nothing . Why wont he help Israel help defeat Hamas ? They are our enemy also ? I truly believe our president is one of them - a Muslim - and the idiots of this country voted for him - not once - but twice ? Go figure. And yes I said it - idiots - how do you like change now ? Feel safe ? I dont - I feel like any day we as Texans will be in a battle with terrorists and the Feds will sit there and watch - they dont like Texas anyway - were republicans . Read revelations - it talks about how everything will be a mess and one person comes in and fixes everything. That is the antichrist .. Read it and put it together for yourself - I hope your right with the lord. I hope you have a relationship with him - I hope you asked him into your heart to be your savior. Read his word - live his way. Are you ready for the rapture ? If it happened right now do you think you will go to heaven - good works dont get ya there ! Friends Iran gets closer everyday to perfecting a nuclear warhead - the U.S. is giving them 2.8 billion to help the process ( because they have followed the rules ) whos idea is this ? They hate us - they will use the nukes we paid for on us. WERE PAYING THEM !!!! God will have his day - be ready to go up with him. Blessed day yaall !!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:22:34 +0000

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