#MorningDevotion Revival Have you ever tried to light a fire - TopicsExpress


#MorningDevotion Revival Have you ever tried to light a fire with wet or green logs? It is quite a task and practically impossible because the logs will not support combustion. You can even try to boost the process by pouring petrol on to them and once you light the fire it will seem like all is well but after some time, the fire will start to smoke and eventually the fire will go out. The same thing will happen to a red hot burning log if you place it in the midst of wet or green logs. It will soon lose its fire and smoke out because the logs around it are not supporting and fueling the fire. What would happen then if you take a wet or green log and place it right in the midst of a bunch of red hot burning logs? It will have no choice but to burn like the rest of them because the logs around it are fueling the fire and the fire will affect it. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character. What kind of log are you and who do you hang out with? Well your company will greatly determine how that works out. If you have been a wet log and you are praying for a revival and change then as you pray for the fire of God to hit you, start hanging around dry logs that are red hot for God. If you want to be a prayer warrior then hang around people that are prayer warriors because they will challenge and encourage you to pray. If you want to grow in the word then hang around people who read discuss quote and live the word. The fire of God that is burning in them will rub off on to you and every time the fire in you attempts to go out, they will re ignite you. If on the other hand you are red hot for God, then do not think that you are too anointed to go at it alone such that you pluck yourself from the community of other red hot believers and you join the company of wet logs because sooner or later, your fire will go out. You cannot do it alone! If you have to, take a couple of fiery logs with you. So, what company are you keeping? Are you going to stay with the wet logs or are you joining the dry red hot logs for Jesus? The choice is yours. Practical Application Bad company corrupts good character!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:08:55 +0000

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