Morris Kent Thompson for President 2016 Capitalism Needs to - TopicsExpress


Morris Kent Thompson for President 2016 Capitalism Needs to Expand to Exist. Presently we are seeing the effects of this notion that is true. China is threatening its neighbors and is building and offensive military with aircraft carriers, and stolen technology for its F-35 Fighter. Researching ways to defeat the anti missile shield with hyper speed gliders capable of carrying nuclear war heads, and just as importantly readying its Military for WAR with Japan and others. These are ominous signs of the future. Russia has just tried to invade its neighbor in hopes of rebuilding the BEAR and reverting back to a cold war scenario. Both China and Russia have stated there intent to draw the U.S. into wars around the globe. The China Syndrome was created by Nixon and Kissinger to open up China for Trade and Investment. In that vein and the invisible hand of Adam Smith, a cost benefit, our manufacturing was sent to China to kick start its economy. That kick start has long been accomplished. Now is the time to bring our Manufacturing home and rebuild the detriment and loss of treasury that this attempt at global welfare has cost. Moreover, this is a National Security Issue, as we see to day it is Chinas intent to foster wars around the globe, and potentially come into direct conflict with the United States. As it Military Leadership some time ago told the Premier, America is weak, now is the time to attack. That does not speak of a friend but an enemy. China now has the ability to fire a first strike by shutting down the supply chain to wreak economic havoc and anarchy in the United States and Europe. This could be done due to war with Japan or intentionally. We would have virtually 100% business failure and unemployment almost immediately. Under my administration if that were to occur it would be considered a First Strike against the United States and all options would be on the table. The point is we know this and that we have to bring our manufacturing home to restore our ability to supply our own needs and kick start our economies back to prosperity. Manufacturing is the economic driver that drives the demand for the service sector and jobs. Yet, we know that Capitalism needs to expand to survive. Where is Capitalism going to expand to? Short Term Strategy First, we have to look to the present to see what problems need to be addressed. According to NASA, We have a consensus of 97% of the worlds scientist that Global Warming is real and happening faster than expected. The Ice Sheets are melting at an alarming rate. The Polar Bear is expected to be extinct by 2050 due to a loss of habitat. One study shows the lower ocean currents are slowing due to the warming. And to date I am not aware of any studies to determine the transition period, and locations of the future land areas for our food supply. As a world we must unite as one voice in the WAR ON GLOBAL WARMING. We are beginning that effort by transitioning to solar and other forms of green technology for our energy needs. The transition to EV/Battery Powered cars has begun. While not in earnest it is beginning to take hold. Under my administration we will mandate the conversion to solar power where every home and business has its own power supply. Moreover, that all new cars sold in the U.S. will be EV. These steps alone will significantly reduce the emission of carbons into the atmosphere and begin to reverse the effects of Global Warming. This together with other recommendations of the scientific community will be implemented to mitigate and reverse this foe. Just as importantly, this will inject much needed capital and jobs into all market areas, which will help to drive the economy with disposable income and jobs to create demand, which equates to greater profits for business. In essence, my plan to convert our power grid takes advantage of the elimination of a marginal producer, the energy industry, and a sunk cost that provides the ability to pay for this without the need for any significant investment by government in the form of tax revenue or the individual. The average electric bill is used to pay for this. As an aside there will be trillions of dollars in benefit reaped in the dismantling of the power grid. All that steel, cooper, and aluminum that is just hanging around from telephone poles nationwide. This will create significant direct jobs in the manufacture of solar panels and batteries, installation, and the ongoing repair and maintenance needed. Under my plan there will be a charge on the real estate tax bill once the conversion is complete for the war on global warming. I would estimate $750. Included in that amount would be a self funding insurance to ensure any major repairs or upgrades to the system are done for the home or business owner. Therefore, we will have a nationwide program to convert our power grid and dismantle that will help to achieve what approximates full employment during the transition period of bringing our manufacturing and supply chain back home where it belongs. Together with, a 5 year plan to increase the wage base 100% to achieve parity with inflation and provide the disposable income to the citizens that will further drive the economic demand and business profitability. I would envision a 3 for 2 increase in the incremental increase in wages on revenues. Meaning wages at 3 and pricing at 2 relationship. Business far too long has held wages down in a veiled attempt to generate greater profits at the expense of the bottom line profit and our standard of living. In essence, any policy taken to extreme becomes destructive, and it has. The Long Term Goal The world is changing and the demands placed on its limited resources. This has a direct impact on the ability to maintain full employment when you factor in the population increase, technological change and elimination of viable long term jobs that is and will continue to take place. In the past century we went from the horse and buggy to electricity, cars, trains, air planes and now space ships. All driven by the sciences and changes in technology that allowed all this to occur. In the 21st Century we will see space travel, colonization of distant planets and the resources needed to sustain earths dwindling resources and population increase. NASA scientist says we need three planets to support earth growing needs. At a time when NASA is finding new planets that have the ability to sustain life and potentially rich in the resources needed. One of my plans is to fund NASA to develop the space shuttle capable of taking off and landing on earth without the need for rocket boosters. These space craft will be used to provide security for earth from the numbers of near misses from asteroids. Moreover, to fund the research and development required to begin and continue the voyage to colonize other planets. Additionally, a goal to build the Space Ship USS Enterprise by 2040, as a first step in venturing into space to seek out new life forms, new planets, the resources needed, and to assist in the colonization of other planets. Yes, capitalism needs to expand to exist. We must invest in the future where the future Returns on Investment (ROI) for business will be had. In a vast solar system rich in untapped resources and planets that are capable of sustaining life. It is time to begin the TREK into space, the next frontier and the future. Engage.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:15:59 +0000

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