Moses Russell and the Ten Dollar Miracle (Part 2 of 3) “Your - TopicsExpress


Moses Russell and the Ten Dollar Miracle (Part 2 of 3) “Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!” (Mat_6:8, Living Bible). It was a bizarre experience driving on that gravel road which stretched for miles across Colorado pastureland, watching out for cows that were free grazing and intermittently crossing in front of us. Our anxieties rose in direction proportion to the drop rate of the gas guage. We were running on fumes — literally, and figuratively. Then it happened. Out in the middle of the vast eastern Colorado expanse — we ran out of gas! The only sign of life was a farm house about two or three miles way off in the distance. We had seen no other cars coming or going for almost an hour, so I concluded that I would have to walk for help. Just as I was about to head on my cross-country trek, a plume of dust appeared on the road up ahead. So I waited. A Ford pickup pulled up and stopped, and a Texas size rancher stepped out of the cab. He was a man of towering stature, snow white hair, sky blue eyes, a face like leather, and a smile that lit up forty acres. “My name is Moses,” he said, “Moses Russell. Looks like you could use some help.” He had me at Moses. “Yes sir,” I answered, “we ran out of gas.” Moses reached into the back of his truck and pulled out a gas can, then emptied it into my tank. We were so bone dry that he had to prime the carburetor with a shot of gas just to get my car to start. “Where you headed?” he asked. “We’re on our way to Kim, Colorado,” I answered. “I’ve been invited to preach there this coming Sunday.” “You’re closer than you realize,” he said. “Kim is about a quarter mile just over that hill. You’ll be there in less than five minutes.” Then Moses reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Opening it, he handed me a ten dollar bill. “The Lord wants you to have this,” he said — as I stood there dumbstruck. I thanked him the best I could, and he headed on his way. We did the same. But there’s more to this story.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:43:25 +0000

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