Moses, a Nubian and the incestuous child of Pharaoh Seti I and his - TopicsExpress


Moses, a Nubian and the incestuous child of Pharaoh Seti I and his daughter, Bathia, adopted Akhnatons monotheistic version of the Mystery System to give the Hebrews Kabbalah as they migrated in 1230 BCE, after 400 years sojourn in Egypt, in search of their Promised land. Prince Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha, a Dravidian, was born around 563 BCE among the Sakya people in Kapilavatthu now Lumini in the lowland Terai region of Nepal, dominated then by the Dravidian (Ethiopian) population. His features, including his thick lips, confirm his Dravidian origin. He gave India Buddhism. Master Kung or Kung-fu-tzu (Latinized as Confucius) was Black. He was born around 551 BCE in the feudal state of Lu, in todays Shantung province of China. He was trying to improve his peoples way of life by reforming their feudal leadership. He preached that destiny was the synonym of Nature and that Nature decides ones class in life. Prayer is unhelpful in this regard but destiny once received could willfully be prevailed upon for wider choices. He discouraged (witchcraft human sacrifice), prevalent in China at the time and advocated that spirits could be respected but kept at a distance because: “If you cannot serve man, how do you know to serve spirits.” He gave China, Confucianism. m.modernghana/mobile/438014/1/maat-truth-and-justice-the-spirituality-of-the-afr.html
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:34:12 +0000

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