Moses sensed the Divine Presence and must have lived very close - TopicsExpress


Moses sensed the Divine Presence and must have lived very close to it. In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." Here is a perception of the Unity of Good, a realization of the One Life running through all. God is One, this is the teaching of Moses. We are to love this One with all our heart and with all our soul and with all That might.our surrender ourselves to the realization of the unity of Good,—the presence of God. We are to trust this God and rely solely upon His presence in every experience. We are to so completely sense this Presence that the heart will respond and the emotions Without acquiesce.agreement, words are empty and ideas void of real meaning. Emerson tells us that when this divine moment everything else and flee into its loving embrace. Moses tells us knowledge of God to our children and to talk about God when we sit in our houses and when we walk by the way. We are to see the evidence of Spirit manifested in everything. The God of the living, who lives in all and through all. We are not to go after other gods as do those who have not put their trust in Good alone, but we are to trust and not be afraid. In the seventh chapter of the same book we are told that God will we if benefits enumerates the different ways in which this blessing will be made manifest,—in all that we do. Jesus, speaking many years later, tells the same story when he says to seek the Kingdom first and other things will be added. How true this teaching is. The greater always includes the lesser and all the lessers must be included in the Infinite Mind. In the eighth chapter of Deuteronomy we are warned against ourselves and without Divine aid, accomplish. In the day of accomplishment we are not to forget that we are beneficiaries of Life. How soon must that light be extinguished which is no longer connected with the center of energy! This is a universal truth and should be heeded. We are not to suppose that God is jealous but we are to realize that unity is unity. We live on three planes simultaneously, spirit, soul, and body, and our thought and belief decide what is to happen to us. It makes all the difference in the world where we place our trust and faith. God is not jealous, but the law is One and cannot be divided.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 05:57:00 +0000

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