Moshe was singing the song (shirah) to protect the people against - TopicsExpress


Moshe was singing the song (shirah) to protect the people against the tendency to grow ignorant. The song was designed to enlighten them to the pitfalls and to serve as a warning to all the future generations—in other words, to be a witness to the people. That is why Moshe was directing his warnings to every single person, as his song was primarily composed in the singular vernacular. With the power of song comes the power of prophecy, because song overrides the resistance that people have to- ward experiencing the Divine. Through shirah, the individual enters the inner chambers of existence and reveals the divine self, and so allows it to become part of prophecy. That was the way Moshe wanted to leave the people: with a song of prophecy that came straight from the heart. Once we appreciate that, we understand why he chose to garb his words in song. His song helps us to hear the song of our own soul, and to listen to what our soul is trying to tell us. If we could hear the song of our soul, we would not have any questions. We would know where we stand, and what we have to do. Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment (Parsha Haazinu)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:10:12 +0000

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