Most Common Sciatica Risk Factors: Sciatica refers to a type of - TopicsExpress


Most Common Sciatica Risk Factors: Sciatica refers to a type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve which extends from your lower back down into the back of each leg. If you, or someone you know, has or has experienced sciatica nerve pain, you know that it can be very painful, sometimes completely debilitating. This pressure or constriction of the sciatic nerve may have a number of symptoms, including burning or tingling sensations in the legs, pain in the buttocks that is worse when sitting, and difficulty moving the legs or feet. What many people do not know is that sciatica is not a spinal disorder but actually the symptom of another underlying spinal condition. For example, sciatica may be caused by pressure along the sciatic nerve due to spinal disorders like lumbar spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or spondylolisthesis. While your spine specialist that can determine whether you are showing symptoms of sciatica, it is important to first educate yourself on the risk factors. Increasing Age As we get older, the intervertebral discs that cushion our vertebral bones begin to deteriorate and grow thinner due to fluid-loss. This loss of fluid causes the discs to contract and often increases the risk of spinal stenosis, in which the spinal column narrows and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. Obesity Obesity increases the risk of sciatica because it puts unnecessary pressure and strain on your spine, which includes your vertebral bones, ligaments, tendons, spinal discs, and nerves. Losing pounds will many times have a tremendous impact on your spinal health. Diabetes Diabetes directly affects the way your body uses glucose or blood sugar, ultimately increasing the likelihood of nerve damage within the extremities and the spine. Diabetes is often linked with obesity which only adds to the likelihood of sciatica. It goes without saying that if you have diabetes, managing your condition is very important not only for your spine health, but overall health... Job Responsibilities Individuals whose occupation requires them to perform manual labor may be at an increased risk for sciatica. This includes individuals who are required to carry heavy items, twist and bend persistently, or sit for long periods of time—as all of these actions can irritate the sciatic nerve and lead to pain. At SpineOne, we specialize in treating spine-related injuries using minimally-invasive procedures, including sciatica. Call us at 303-500-8611 or click here to schedule an appointment. We accept most insurance and same-day appointments are available.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:41:05 +0000

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