Most First World communists/socialists are reactionaries who tend - TopicsExpress


Most First World communists/socialists are reactionaries who tend to spend more time criticizing leftist leaders than the capitalists who exploit society. Most of the time, their problem is either Assad, Mugabe, Gaddafi, Kim Jong-il, or Correa but not imperialism and capitalism. Ive heard them say stupid shit like: Gaddafi is no anti-imperialist; he made concessions to the imperialists, and, ZANU-PF represents the national bourgeoisie, including wealthy black investors... whatever. In the end, for these utopians, Castro was not good enough for them, and neither was Chavez. They are all problematic. Some of these phonies have even gone so far as to formulate whacky theories about Assad being Israels man in Damascus for not liberating the Golan. If so, they forgot to tell the Zio-imperialists, who have been working overtly since 2011 to depose him, that they’re targeting the wrong man.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 00:02:54 +0000

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