Most Important Events in my Life (Harry Potter Version) 1) - TopicsExpress


Most Important Events in my Life (Harry Potter Version) 1) Being asked to resign from my job in 2003, which led to me picking up Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, against my better judgment. But, a friend, worried about my state of mind, insisted, sure that it would help me through this very black period in my life. She was right. 2) Phoenix Rising, New Orleans, 2007. Id been in HP fandom for four years at this point and had heard of Witching Hour and Nimbus and Lumos, but never seriously considered actually attending a con. I didnt have anyone in my Real Life who would ever agree to go with me, so I just figured that it was something other people, people with time and money, got to do. Then, a few months after Hurricane Katrina, registration opened for Phoenix Rising and I thought, why not? Id always wanted to visit New Orleans, even more so after the hurricane that did so much catastrophic damage. I wanted to see it rise from the ashes and what better event in which to do that? I was so determined to go that I planned to go by myself, but several of my Potter friends - Ann Weidman Kassos, Julie Bock, Kira Butler, and others - wanted to go as well. It started off my love for HP cons with a bang and I got to have beignets and pralines to celebrate! 3) Terminus, Chicago, 2008. While not one of my favorite cons, it still brought together the usual suspects and introduced me to three things - costuming, Perseus LePage, and Draco de LePage. While the first is still just a casual hobby, the second two have become very dear to me and I look forward to spending time with both gentlemen at each con I attend. 4) The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Orlando, 2010. On the ride in from the airport, I could see the spires of Hogwarts Castle in the distance and it left me breathless. Seeing it up close, standing in its shadow, in the fading sunlight, it was like coming home. I cant speak for Julie, but it left me in tears. We stood side by side and stared up at it and it was perfect. 5) Tom Felton, 2011. When I first heard that he was going to be signing autographs in the Chicago area, I first told a friend of mine who lived up there. She couldnt go, but Julie was like, why dont we go? Oddly enough, even though Im only four hours from Chicago, that had never occurred to me! So, we planned a weekend and made it happen! We stood in line for a very long time, and I cried as soon as I laid eyes on him, but I met him, I talked to him, and I had my picture taken with him. He was kind and gracious and beautiful and I treasure every second of it! That I got to share that with Julie only makes it better! 6) Misti-Con, Laconia, NH, 2013. What made this con so special was having had to miss Aeternitas in 2011 because of a shockingly spiteful act by a coworker. What made it worse was seeing the pictures and hearing the stories that came out of that con and knowing I had missed it all! I was bitter! Bitter and hateful all over again. But, Misti-Con was a go and I was determined to enjoy every second of it. What made it so awesome was the people. There wasnt a theme park, or big celebrities, or a huge city to entertain us. There was a small resort hotel with the worlds biggest heart, an idyllic location, and a con full of hardcore Harry Potter fans. Honestly, it beat the Orlando cons hands down. And I cant wait for Misti-Con 2015! There are other things that have so enriched this fandom for me and have helped me through many, many bad times in my life. I wouldnt trade it for the world, because I may be almost 50, but Im still part of the Harry Potter Generation.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 00:25:03 +0000

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