"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and - TopicsExpress


"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive." - Harold Rosenthal "Many, including Thomas Paine, have compared the practice of Freemasonry with Christianity. Paine concluded that both worship the physical sun, although it is disguised in Christianity to appear to be the worship of Jesus, whom they call the Son of God. Darkness imitated the Divine Mother and the "Twelve Sisters" by creating the Sun and the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Christianity was not founded by Jesus. The work of the early Christians and the propaganda of Paul and those who hid themselves behind the name of Jesus all contributed to the invention of a marvellous story which resulted in Jesus being known to this day as the founder of a religion that was never his. Similarly, Jesus is being falsely associated with the Ascended Masters in the Theosophical teaching. Jesus has nothing to do with the ascended masters, and very little to do with modern Christianity. In fact, Christianity only became orthodox when Emperor Constantine and the church councils created creeds and canons at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. With this human-made church law, the followers of Christianity no longer abide by the teachings of Jesus, but instead follow the dictates of the church. In current Christianity, it appears that Christians relish in the murder of Jesus and are so taken in by it that they re-enact His brutal crucifixion. Christians call the murdering day "Good Friday" which term they excuse away with Easter Sunday and the supposed physical resurrection of Jesus. On a regular basis, Christians symbolically eat the body of Jesus in what is euphemistically called the "Eucharist" where they also symbolically drink the blood of Christ. These gruesome symbolic acts are signs of cannibalism and vampirism. These horrible acts are falsely presented at least four times in the extant Bible to give the church and its followers apparent authority and authenticity to practise the repulsive rites. See: Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:24-29. Nearly all Christian churches display crosses to remind followers of the horrible murder of Jesus. Many of the crosses bear a male figure nailed onto them to represent Jesus, who is graphically displayed in a gory and agonizing depiction of his murder on a cross. This depiction is grotesquely objectionable to any thinking, feeling beings. Can you see the similarity between Christianity and Freemasonry? What kind of a "god" would thirst for blood? What kind of a "god" would want gruesome murders re-lived over and over in the human psyche. With regard to Christians — it is far worse than for the Masons. According to many Freemasons, Abiff supposedly represents Jesus — who incidentally had not yet been born when Solomon was in power. But, Christianity symbolically does those dreadful things to the one they claim to believe is the Son of the God of Light. So there you have it — Yes, it appears quite clearly that Freemasons, however unwittingly, are devil worshippers. Similarly, Christians, however unwittingly, are also worshipping Satan. Darkness has always coveted that of the Light; it also corrupts that of the Light whenever possible, as can be seen in Christianity." xeeatwelve.net/articles/the_word.htm
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:45:53 +0000

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