Most Music is Just a Hustle. So they called it popular music - TopicsExpress


Most Music is Just a Hustle. So they called it popular music and you adopted it as your own. Theyve got you fooled. An easy mark. What a sucker. It reminds me of classical composers who couldnt come up with their own melodies so they stole them from the popular peasant music of their day. But at least back then it had melody. But now they mass produce that canned tripe of repeating-phrase three-minute excuses-for-music and you guys bought into it. You supported it. You never bothered to find out, you just accepted that it was music. Here you had the chance to become the greatest civilization in existence and you flubbed it. Not that anyone can blame you, right. Your excuses were things like, oh, let the kids have their fun or I learned to live with it, why cant you? or oh, it doesnt bother me, it just goes in one ear and out the other. What could be more pathetic? Im ashamed of you, a bunch of lazy underachievers. You have usurped the rightful place of those who would have done something were they in your position. The kind of music you have been producing was started by a bunch of stone age yuppies out there social-climbing and beating on a log six thousand years ago. If you were a real pioneer of the art of music, youd be out there going beyond the horizon, crossing new barriers, really coming up with something truly great. But wouldnt you know, if theres money to be made, the fakes will come out of nowhere to block the way. It must be true that money ruins anything it touches. When I was a cab driver the second time in 1993 in New York City, I drove a lady who owned many of the radio stations in big cities throughout the United States. They just would send out a feed on satellites classified as urban rock, and the stations would just play the same music in each locale as was being played nationally everywhere else with the same satellite feed with nothing but an engineer in attendance during the days. I said I knew the station in the area and offered to play it for her on the cab radio. Oh, no! She retorted, I hate that stuff. You hypocrite!, I thought. I hate it too, but Im always forced to listen to it against my will by every boom box blockhead on the street and and every neighbor stupid enough to like it. Twirl the radio dial, thats all thats on these days, practically. They bought everybody else out. And here she was, promoting something she knew was tripe, just so she could get rich. Whats wrong with that? Plenty. But the worst offenders were the ones listening to the stations. They never took the trouble to find out what was really going on. A couple of months back, in, I think it was 2004, this year (when this article is being written), a small town in America had a train wreck and the cars were spewing poison gas. The people called the local radio station to make some sort of announcement to help with the evacuation since lots of people were listening, and they go no answer. There was nothing there but a robot playing satellite feed. Thats it, sucker. You just dont care, do you? Youve lost your culture, youve lost your creativity, you got bought off and you just dont know whats really out there and you dont care anyway. So go ahead. Roll over and die. I want you to survive, but youve got the chance of a snowball in hell of doing it. Who says a song has to have a repetitive refrain? Who says the base has to support the melody? Who says tympani has to be tympanic? Oh, you do. So that makes you an jackass at best and a sucker at the worst. Now they cut and paste, and repeat the same melody or beat five or six times and call it a song. And people pay for that! Imagine. I could coin a term, Theres a Mozart in every crowd. Only these guys are keeping him down so its Mozart the garage mechanic and Brahms the bus driver and Beethoven the dishwasher. Kept down by the current payola pop stars. Why have you let these uninspired children with their unending belly-aching become your pop stars? It has to be only one thing. Gullible. Well, maybe thats not you. Maybe its all those morons that paid for it. They killed music. They have nothing. Its a morbid, lifeless, selfish society thats doomed to oblivion. They are already forgotten. Music can go further than anyone ever realized. It can be more exciting, more beautiful, more exquisite than ever in history if you help the appropriate geniuses go ahead and compose. They dont even need to be rich, though if they make the breakthroughs, theyd deserve to be. All they need is subsidy; the equipment, the room and board, the healthcare. And believe me, thats a bargain compared to what you get out of it: National treasures, vast income for swaths of the population, a rise in the income of the recording industry, a workforce enlivened and inspired for a change instead of dragging and moping around all the time, the list goes on. Take care of the honest musicians and theyll take care of you. In the days of the historically great composers they were renowned in their time. Their contemporary societies benefited from them and basked in the glow of their genius and creativity. Now weve just about beaten the oldies to death with repetition. Nobody seems to be able to top the ancients, such as Bach or Mozart. There are not true classics in our time, though they are out there. But the rest of you have starved them out with your stupidity and greed. Nothing is left but zit-faced rock stars promoted by the good old payola. Only now its the labels doing it. The mob was smart enough to get out of that racket. Maybe they are more noble than those cheap mass-music hustlers. Business needs to get out of the music game. They arent musicians. Eventually the public will reject it. -- And has. Because they dont know what theyre doing in music; theyre ignorant. What we need are a few kings and nobles and patrons of the arts. Thats why the music rackets are going belly up right now. They want to blame it on Knapster or the internet, but if they had the real stars whose stellar careers are now blocked by the mindless music industry, the world would have beaten a path to their doors. Its their own fault. They wanted to stick with the winners and theyre nothing but losers. Now all thats left is dry performances of music history composed by those who were subsidized by kings and nobles hundreds of years ago. It proves that theres nothing noble about this generation. Nothing but a cheap shot, going belly up, soon to be lost in oblivion, the civilization that wasnt, soon to die out with the baby boomers and their tin pan ally pop music. Its a hustle, you idiot. Dont you get it? -- Nothin but a cheap hustle. Its a morbid, lifeless, selfish society thats doomed to oblivion. Most music is just a hustle. Copyright (C) by Paul A. L. Hall. All rights reserved. What we need are a few kings and nobles and patrons of the arts.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:29:23 +0000

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