Most Muslims believe that there is no precedence of capital - TopicsExpress


Most Muslims believe that there is no precedence of capital punishment for blasphemy in the prophetic tradition. They believe that the current stipulations of Pakistans Blasphemy Laws are later innovations and have nothing to do with the practice of the Prophet. However, Ibn Hisham, one of the earliest biographer of the Prophet cites several incidents where blasphemers were killed either on the orders of the Prophet or by his approval. Orya Maqbool Jan, is a popular columnist and writer in Pakistan, who is a frequent guest on various TV channels, where he openly espouses the establishment of Sharia Law and his support for the Taliban ( has recently toned down his support in light of army action in FATA). In the following debate about Malalas book, he clearly states that the Prophet ordered the killings of three blasphemers ( at around 8:00 mins into the interview), indirectly implying that Malala should also suffer such fate since in her book she blasphemes the Prophet, by saying that her father supports the right of free expression in the case of Salman Rushdies book The Satanic Verses. People like Orya Maqbool Jan are the real culprits that are responsible for the promotion of extremism and violence in Pakistani society, since they provide enthusiastic support and a cover of civility to the murderous fundamentalists running rampant in Pakistani towns and villages.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:38:20 +0000

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