Most first Blog Interview!!! Check it out! Copied from POWW. - TopicsExpress


Most first Blog Interview!!! Check it out! Copied from POWW. Interviewed by Dana Leipold. Ron Lew is a licensed occupational therapist, writer, and entrepreneur. He approached me about a year ago to help him shape his manuscript into a compelling, professional-level, non-fiction book he could self publish. I immediately saw the potential his book had to make the world a better place and felt truly honored that he wanted to work with me. His book, Dare to Imagine: 18 Principles for Finding Peace, Happiness, and True Success, has gone on to receive 19 five-star reviews on Amazon, has been sold all over the globe to some noteable people, and is being sold in four book stores in the East San Francisco Bay Area. He has also been speaking with a movie director about supporting a new film with the content of his book. POWW: Where did you get the idea for this book? Ron: Lots of people have told me I should write a book about my life, probably because of all the funny stories I tell. After a while, I decided to sit down and write. Originally, the story was supposed to be an autobiography that was somewhat serious, but with a twist of humor. However, as I started to write, I began to relive many of the painful memories. It so happens that I was going through a spiritual journey and awakening process at the time I started writing. I was studying with various spiritual guides and teachers. What started to happen is I would get into a writing zone and I would receive creative inspiration. I believe it was the universe pouring Divine concepts and ideas into my mind. Soon it seemed like the book was writing itself. The real message of the book revealed itself to me and I realized the implications it had for many people around the world. I knew it had become bigger than me so I just surrendered to the process and gave it my all to bring forth the message of Love and Hope. POWW: How long did it take you to write it? Ron: It took me about two years to write the book. POWW: What made you decide to self publish? Ron: I self-published because it was the fastest and most efficient way to get the book out. Traditional publishing can be a lengthy process to get the book approved. POWW: How are you marketing it? Ron: I hired a producer to create a professional website at, and two book trailers, which are on the website and YouTube. Then I send information and updates to my contact list through mass emails. I use Facebook a lot posting anything relating to the book–from beautiful pictures (with quotes from my book), to book trailers and any updates on the book. I also blog on my website. I use Twitter as well to send out updates. The other thing I do is talk with practically everyone I meet about my book. I give everyone a business card that has information about the book on it. And I take the opportunity to leave printed copies of the book with influential people I meet from all walks of life. (And yes, I even mailed a copy to Oprah). POWW: What marketing tactics have you found most successful? Ron: The business card is very effective because it gives me a way to talk to people and share my passion about the message of the book. I think self published authors need to realize that it’s okay to talk about your book. You cannot rely on someone to do it for you. So going to a bookstore that has some relevance with your book and talking to people about it is part of the marketing. Keep in mind that as a self-published author, smaller stores tend to be more open minded but not all of them will be receptive. You’ve got to just keep trying. My website and the book trailer videos were a good investment. My new publishing company, AuthorHouse, was quite impressed with my website and felt I knew what I was doing. I think that went along way toward them considering reading my manuscript and eventually publishing it. POWW: Your book is now being sold in a few book stores around the San Francisco Bay Area. Can you tell us which stores and how you made that happen? Ron: I would just go into the store and talk to someone and work on building a rapport. I try not to be only concerned with myself, but also interested in their business and products. Later, I tell them I am an author and that my book has impacted many people’s lives. It doesn’t hurt to tell them about the good reviews on Amazon (5 stars) and that copies have made their way around the world. I sometimes add that one of India’s most famous Saints, Amma, owns a copy of my book. The book has also been posted on the websites of Averi Torres, one of the top ten psychics in the world, and Collette Gee, motivational speaker, writer, and host of a the Finding Happily Web Series. Sometimes I bring copies to show them. When they see my passion with talking about the book and genuineness, they usually end up buying it directly from me or they place an order for a shipment. The book is currently being sold in these stores: Om Rhythm Store in Cannery Row, Monterey, California East West Bookstore, Mountain View, California Postal Annex, Dublin, California Enlightenment at Pier 39, San Francisco, California POWW: What have you learned about the writing and publishing process/industry since completing your first book? Ron: I have discovered that writing is something I believe I will always do. I could write for six hours straight, if I wanted to. It is so liberating and healing for me, like taking a vacation from all the woes in life. I write not just for myself, but with the goal of touching the reader’s life. I want them to see things in a different perspective and invite them to be a part of my life. I’ve also learned that working with a writing coach can help you see things more objectively, looking at the bigger picture of the book. Having a writing coach for the first book can be extremely helpful and save you a lot of time and headaches in getting the book self-published. We all need guidance and direction especially with our first book because we are trying to navigate in a foreign territory which can be stressful and overwhelming. Also, having a writing coach can keep you on track with completing a book. Many people start a book but never finish it. A writing coach can give you the motivation and guidance to keep you going. Another discovery I made through this process was realizing that self-publishing is not as scary as it seems. It is when you try to get your book into stores that you face obstacles. Retailers don’t care if you are a good author or not. They ask who your distribution company is and if the profit margin is not there, they are not interested at all. The publishing business, like many, is all about connections and promoting yourself. If you believe in your book, keep talking about it to everyone, give it to as many influential people as possible, and don’t let rejection stop you in pursuing your dreams. I have faced much rejection before any good came out of it. Also, your book is your baby, creation and masterpiece. Make sure to comb through it to make sure it is flawless. Even after you have a professional editor work on it, go through it again, yourself, friends or family to make sure nothing is missed. You want your product to be as perfect as possible so it will stand up to other books published through traditional channels. POWW: Do you have other projects in the works? Ron: I have been working on my next book for the past few months. The theme of the first book is Love and Hope. The theme for the next one is Unity with Humanity, Nature and the Divine. It is going be loaded with lots of good information including an unveiling of my new meditation technique that can help people reach higher level of consciousness. I do have ideas for other books including my version of a Joy Luck Club and possibly a romance novel with a metaphysical twist (My wife is a romance novel buff and has been bugging me about that, LOL!). But for now, my next project will be another non-fiction book designed to help people evolve and grow. You can learn more about Ron’s work and his book at his website: You can purchase the Kindle version of, Dare to Imagine: 18 Principles for Finding Peace, Happiness, and True Success on Amazon.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:09:01 +0000

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