Most folks that know me well know I am not any religion or faith, - TopicsExpress


Most folks that know me well know I am not any religion or faith, but I am very spiritual. I am just a person who loves God and people. I do not claim to know all there is to know about God and the universe like some folks do. I wish I did have all the answers. I think folks claiming that they know everything about God and what His Bible stands for ( if God ( He ) is even the Being and Creator of the Bible ) are arrogant and fools. Before anyone things I am calling Christians fools, I will say I am definitely not. Most Christians I know do not claim to know everything about God and the Bible. There are some fanatical Christians I have come across that think they know everything about God and the Bible, though. Everything folks believe is all about faith. They have no proof other than faith and feelings. All religions and denominations have faith and feelings, too. I have learned to accept religions and denominations better, even the ones I do not care for much. I think a person has a right to believe what he or she wants as long as it does not hurt anyone else or others beliefs. Hey, a persons beliefs is/are just as good as my thoughts or beliefs! Who am I to judge someones beliefs? I believe that no one knows the mysteries of God ( Deut. 29:29 ). I would like to think the God in which I believe in and love is a kind and merciful Being that loves all creatures and would never send anyone to a terrible place of retribution. I would like to think the wicked shall cease to exist and not go on to the glories of God or maybe God will change their ways and wickedness and give them a second chance at loving and being a kind person. God can and could do this, after all He is a Being of redemption. Could all be redeemed one day? Some folks think we are all going to the Kingdom of God .....if there is one, I want to be there. Id like to think there will be a place where we all will go some day....a place of love and joy for all people and animals. The Jews have always looked for the Messiah to come and set up an eternal kingdom on earth for all people ( not a Heaven far away, but a Kingdom of God on earth ). I think there might be other worlds, too. Awesome! Yes, one of hope, peace and joy for all people of all ages and times! I am more a Deist than anything ( Deist Religion ) and I relate to Judaism more than any other faith! ABOUT BAD THINGS: I think God is love!! He is all around and full of love and mercy! He has a plan for all the folks that have died early! He has a plan for all the folks that have died! All the bad things are from evil folks and evil things and is not a part of Gods plans for us or the universe. It is allowed for some reason and I do not know why, but there will be a better day coming for all! Perhaps God lets things happen that are bad to see how good people will react and treat others and help them through bad times??? Perhaps God just allows things to happen whether good or bad for some reasons we do not know about??? There must be a reason and hopefully we will know about it one day!
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 04:29:47 +0000

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