Most men and women of God in general that God ever used in a - TopicsExpress


Most men and women of God in general that God ever used in a mighty way, were born out of a place of rejection. For rejection creates a hunger and a thirst in you to know God in a way that you wouldnt have in any other way. The Apostle Paul said All I want is to know Christ and to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings and become like him in his death (Philippians 3:10) This hunger that Apostle Paul had I believe it is fueled by the fact that he could not say like the other Apostles, I was there when Jesus rose from the dead. I was there when He walked on the water. I was there when He healed a woman with the issue of blood. I was there when He healed blind Bartimaeus. I was there when he cast the demons out of legion. He couldnt say that. Sometimes what you didnt get makes you hunger more than what you did get. Sometimes God doesnt give you experiences or relationships or people that other people had and you feel denied. But the Lord knows that because you didnt get that, you have the ordinant thirst and hunger that He is using to prepare you for what He is going to give you next in your life. And it just helps me to know that God is in control even when I am denied things, I thought I needed that He knows that pulling the bow back, shoots the arrow forward. It was good for me that I was afflicted. Had I not been afflicted I wouldnt hunger like I hunger. And I wouldnt have what I have. Now when you think about that, you begin to realize that God has ordered your steps from the very beginning, that He carefully orchestrated your steps and affairs allowing you to have this, denying you of that, to create the perfect atmosphere for you to have the craving and the need and the drive and the spiritual hunger and the thirst that you have. And you must forgive your brothers and sisters who do not share your perspectives because they dont want what you want because they havent been through what you have been through. But when you have been through the fire and the flood and the adversities of life. There is a hunger, I dare say a craving, a compelling as it were. You cant even walk with me until you understand my story. You will be judgmental of me until you understand my story. You cant understand why I do what I do, need what I need, say what I say. Until you understand that I was hold in a furnace of affliction.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:57:14 +0000

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