Most men have never learned to develop their inner - TopicsExpress


Most men have never learned to develop their inner self confidence... and become the kind of guy that is literally BULLET- PROOF. If you would like to learn some of the best tricks, techniques, and concepts for building a rock-solid self-image and massive self-confidence, then take a minute and read THIS: Most men HATE the idea of rejection. Im not talking about dont like the idea or wish it didnt happen...Im talking HATE here. The idea of walking up to a woman and having her REJECT you causes most men to instantly feel sick in the pit of their stomachs and literally feel a horrible combination of nervousness and confusion. A guy can psych himself up for an hour to go talk to a woman, but when the moment comes to actually DO IT, EVERYTHING changes. The heart rate shoots up, breathing quickens, eyes dart back and forth, thoughts of rejection fill the mind, and eventually the pressure becomes too much to bare. Most men find this state so scary that they end up deciding to forget about approaching the women... just to end the discomfort. The temptation is great to just walk away because just as quickly as the intense nervousness is triggered by the moment one decides to ACT, it goes away when you decide to forget about it and walk away. The fact that choosing to walk away leads to the instant gratification of the nervous feeling going away makes it the most popular option. Most of the time (and Im talking about probably 99% of the time here) men just walk away. They give up before theyve even started. I find this topic fascinating. If I just think about it, I can remember MANY times in my past where I wanted to talk to a woman, but I just didnt do it. In fact, many of them are so vivid that I can remember the exact setting, what the girl looked like, who else was there, etc...and Im talking about situations that happened YEARS ago. These moments obviously made an impression. I can also remember kicking myself for DAYS afterwards for not approaching and talking to these girls. Can you relate? THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ACTUAL REJECTION AND THE FEAR OF REJECTION... I think its important to realize that theres a BIG difference between ACTUAL rejection (having a girl who is offended, upset, rude, etc. to you when you start talking to her) and the FEAR of rejection (how you feel when you imagine a woman rejecting you). Ive found that for me PERSONALLY, my FEAR of rejection is actually FAR, FAR more painful and difficult to deal with than ACTUAL rejection in the real world. The main reason for this is that most of the time when a man starts talking to a woman, she is actually rather nice about the whole affair. Men arent rejected very often! If a woman isnt interested, she usually just says I have a boyfriend or No thank you...or shell just walk away without saying anything at all. Out of the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times that Ive approached women, I cant remember any time that a woman has yelled Get away from me you loser! You are unattractive and the very thought of going on a date with you makes me sick to my stomach! Im sure its happened to SOMEONE, but its never happened to ME. The worst Ive had is a woman making fun of the words I used (telling me that my pickup line was lame) or just walking away. No slaps, no boyfriends beating me up, and no yelling. But heres the kicker... You can experience an intense FEAR of rejection EVERY time you consider approaching a woman. Imagine, something you can predict with almost perfect accuracy. You can be in any situation, anywhere, anytime, and still have FEAR of rejection...which will prevent you from approaching a woman. Ah, the power of the human mind. HOW TO DEAL WITH REJECTION... A lot of guys ask me, How do I deal with rejection?. The answer: Dont worry about it. If you get rejected, youll be fine. Really. Its no big deal, and it doesnt happen that often. And when it does, youll recover shortly thereafter. Youll find yourself telling your friends about it, and laughing together. Rejection from a woman is about as painful as getting a D on a test. Its basically insignificant. The REAL question is How do I deal with my FEAR of rejection?. If you can overcome your imaginary FEAR of rejection, youll be on your way. (Some guys have a type of fear that they might call terror when thinking of approaching women.)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:54:29 +0000

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