Most of Islamic groups that were founded after the fall of the - TopicsExpress


Most of Islamic groups that were founded after the fall of the Khilaafah recognize the importance of re- establishing al-Khilaafah again. There was a time during the decades of the eighties and nineties when the Salfis, Ikhwaan, Jamaat-i-Islami, Hizbut Tahrir and other Jihadi groups and even some of the Sufis talked about Khilaafah. Since then and because of the fact that the west has made it clear that it doesn’t like that idea and would not tolerate it. Some groups have backed off completely from any talk of Khilaafah while others turned it down. And few remained firm in their call to establish the Islamic system again. So the proposed methods that the Islamic groups presented for re-establishment of al-Khilaafah are… Ist Method: Through Tarbiyah and then somehow when our condition changes. The Khilaafah will be re-established again. While others say we will do Tarbiyah until the Ummah is ready and then we will fight the enemies of Allah. But there is a major problem with this method first of all the proponents of this method have never given the Ummah any benchmark to when we have done sufficient Tarbiyah to move on to the stage of Implementation and therefore will remain in a perpetual state of Tarbiyah while negating the duty of Jihad. These people also miss the point that Tarbiyah is within one generation not multigenerational meaning the change that Rasoolullah brought which started with Da’wah and ended with Jihad was within the life time of one generation. It all happened within 23 years. Every other successful change in the Ummah occurred within a generation. History is a testimony to this. 2nd method: By reaching to power through participating in the democratic system. The promoters of this method, started out by stating that democracy is Kufur and we don’t believe in it. But we are using it as a vehicle to reach to power and after we reach to power we will implement Islam. And our intentions are to change the system from within. But there are three major problems with this method to re-establish the Khilaafah. It is a deception and a lie to use democracy and claim to be adherents to the democratic system, but not believe in it. Now deception is acceptable against the enemy if the Muslims are in a state of war with them. The problem is that the particular groups that are involved in the democratic process do not believe that they are in a state of war with the Disbelievers. But believe that there is a covenant between the Muslims and the Disbelievers. So if we are in a covenant with the Disbelievers then it is not allowed, using deception or lie to them. The next problem is that when someone repeats a lie long enough, he ends up with believing it. For those who knew these groups or persons from the eighties, it is not strange for them to see how much they were changed over time. Now they are saying that we genuinely do believe in the democratic system. We believe in the ballot not bullet. And if the ballot decides that a secular or disbelieving party wins we will accept that. But as Muslims we should not subject Islam to the whims of the people, if they chose it we will implement it, if they do not than we will accept the choice of the masses. Our position is that we will implement the rule of Allah on earth by the tip of the sword whether the masses like it or not .we will not subject shariyah rule to popularity contests. As Allah says, “No then, for that (reason), call (them to the Faith), and stand firm as thou art commanded, nor follow thou their vain desires; but say: “I Believe in whatever Book Allah has sent down; and I am commanded to judge justly between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord! For us (is the responsibility for) our deeds, and for you for your deeds. There is no contention between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (our) final goal.” (Ash-Shuora: 15) Rasoolullah (Saw) said, “I was sent with the sword until Allah alone is worshiped”. That is the way of Rasoolullah, and is the way, we should follow. The final problem with this method to re-establish the Khilaafah is that the Muslim’s method is not a method of infiltration. Muslims do not try to infiltrate the system and work from within. It is the way of the Jews, Christian, Hindus and the Munafiqeen. We are honest and straight forward with friends and foe. We make our intentions open. and we declare our Dawah publicly, “For you is your deen and for me my Deen.” We do not want to infiltrate the system whether in the west or in a Muslim countries. The Jews are the ones who have infiltrated every govt, they lived under. Whether, it was Al Undlus, the Ottoman Khilaafah or the western govts. of today and also the Muslim countries around the globe. They have hidden agenda we do not. The Jews and their supporters, the hypocrites tried to infiltrate the govt. of Rasoolullah and were exposed by Quran. “And a fraction of the people of the scripture say (to each other), Believe in that which was revealed to the Believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at the end that perhaps they will return (i.e. abandon their religion).” Therefore for those who say that we should be involved with the system and change it from within are not following the path of the Islam. And if their character is that of a Muslim they would fail, because infiltration just does not work with Muslim behavior. But if they do succeed in infiltrating the system, than that is proof that their character has become that of the Jews or the hypocrites and not that of the Muslims. A point related to this is that, those who came from Islamic background and have spent a large time working within the political systems of today and are becoming politicians, with all the negative meanings of the word, deception, changing colours, materialistic and Machiavellian in their methods. They may have been bred in the Islamic moments, strong Tarbiyah programs, but after a while in the political arena they become the wolves, they were trying to change. If you want a live example of what working from within the system produces. Look further than Suodan and Turkey. The ruling parties in both the countries started out as Islamists only to end up just like every one else in their rotten and corrupt environments. But what happened to them.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:21:34 +0000

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