Most of it was correct, except the part anymore you never were and - TopicsExpress


Most of it was correct, except the part anymore you never were and never will be. There is no such thing as the single greatest country, a perfect Economic, Scientific, Military, Moral and Societal Nation cant exist, a perfect Economy/Military normally comes from complete control (Nazi Germany-strongest European economy, Libya under Gaddafi-Strongest African economy) so you lose Morality. Science doesnt have all the answers so there is no perfect Scientific state its constantly changing. The reasons stated for your Divine Greatness such as: Space and Disease well the Russians pioneered Space: 1st man in space, 1st Satellite in Space, 1st Rover on the Moon, Most successful Rocket system-Soyuz, First Space Station, First Unmanned Reusable Space Shuttle-Buran. As for disease it was Edwin Jenner who gave the world the first ever vaccine, for small pox and Alexander Fleming who gave the world Penicillin which has pioneered medicine (both men are British). As for Freedom and Democracy it was Ancient Greece which created Democracy and allowed the freedom to choose not the United States. So yes the United States is a great country but never has been and never will be (as no country ever will be) the single greatest country in the world. youtube/attribution_link?a=9ya01D4YGIk&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZPHSXUS0_1c%26feature%3Dshare
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 14:53:55 +0000

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