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Most of my facebook friends will not read this post because it is long. So here are two key sentences for you and go on your merry way. Nobody is to blame because everybody is to blame. The genie is already out of the bottle. OK--now you can go back to doing selfies. For those of you still with me, read on... I will tell you who dropped the ball on the ebola epidemic. The World Health Organization (WHO). Kathy Jennings and I watched a documentary that was made in 2012 concerning a possible ebola outbreak. It stated the first line of defense is the World Health Organization WHO is the U.N.s specialized health agency, responsible for setting global health standards and coordinating the global response to disease outbreaks. WHO should have recognized Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia with bare bone health facilities, primitive living conditions, unsanitary health conditions, dense population areas, and unregulated borders would not be able to contain an ebola outbreak. Although the writing on the wall was clearer than that on Necuchazzars in the Book of Daniel, WHO ignored the outbreak for 5 months and over 1000 deaths before taking any action or declaring Ebola an international health emergency.. Furthermore, directors at the WHO headquarters, regional offices and local offices are not based on medical qualifications but instead nepotism and political pork.. The discoverer of the Ebola virus says that WHOs Africa office is a shambles and it is as slow as turtle due to a word we have all known to love and adore--- BUREAUCRACY! The African office, which should have had the most highly trained individuals and expertise is still using typewriters. But the WHO headquarters in New York City is high tech with advanced technology. The resources should have been in the most potential prone areas. Doctors Without Borders began warning in April that the Ebola outbreak was out of control. The declaration of ebola as a health emergency wasnt declared until August 2014, Yet there were teleconferences concerning Ebola between Doctors Without Borders. WHO officials, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet no Ebola reports were sent to the UN headquarters.. At the present time, Guinea visa offices are refusing visas for an expert Ebola team to come in to the country. Perhaps they are waiting for a Bribe known as foreign aid money that never reaches the people but line corrupt politicians pockets. The Ebola outbreak already has killed close to 5,000 people in West Africa out of at least 9,000 cases,. When geometric progression kicks in there will be 10,000 new cases a week. Then 10,000 new cases a day. Then 10,000 new cases an hour. If that does not scare the hell out of you, you are in denial. You can compare me to Barry Goldwater, or label me a nut case but my campaign is now focused on ebola coming to Missouri and how to prepare. This is what will happen. It will disrupt commerce. Food prices will skyrocket. There will be food shortages in Missouri. This will be due to panic-buying and hoarding. So get in front of the curve and HOARD NOW while food supplies are available and prices are low compared to what they will be! There will be fuel shortages. So buy up your fuel supplies NOW! Large businesses will close down temporarily to try to prevent the spread of ebola. So will factories. Basically any environment that has people in close proximity. Schools will close again due to kids in close proximity to each other. There will be detention camps for those with or potentially with the virus. And while they are at it, throw troublemakers like Vince Jennings into the mix. Anyway, Jeff City will need Reps like me who will work with each other instead of having Party warfare.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:54:25 +0000

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