Most of my friends know Im involved in animal rescue work in - TopicsExpress


Most of my friends know Im involved in animal rescue work in addition to being a writer. It is a very hard line to walk, as both - to be effective - require full time focus, commitment and an ability to not be knocked over by emotions. A musician friend of mine and I were talking about the feeling of satisfaction - a feeling of accomplishment - that seems to be so tenuous. This friend does extraordinary work with an inmate in prison, literally changing his life. I have helped save the life of dozens of dogs and cats in Bosnia. Does this work give me a sense of accomplishment? No, actually. This work is something I am called to do, because I am a human being. If someone is about to stumble on a rock, and you manage to move that rock out of the way, do you feel a sense of accomplishment? Of course not. You just did the most obvious thing to do: remove the rock. If someone needs a hug, you dont feel satisfied that you were there to give the hug. You did what was needed. But if you are an artist, or have a vocation, or a practice - something other than saving the world, a life, - I sense that this is the work that gives satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment. I am a writer because it is hard. Because it is something I will never be perfect at. Every time I sit down to the page, I have to struggle, to learn. Every day that I manage to do some writing, is an achievement for me. To help save a dog, a cat? This is not an achievement. This is part of what it means to be a human being. Sadly not every human is able to be human. I am sharing a video that might explain why I do the animal welfare work I do. Please watch it. It shows what it means to be human. Today, in Bosnia a beautiful dog died because she was not found soon enough. Because so many humans walked passed her and did nothing. I have been weeping all day - not because she died, but because humans did not do the human thing, and take her in before she got to the awful state she did. I have one last thing to say. If you want a dog or a cat, please, please do not buy one from a breeder. Please go to your local shelter and find one there. Or if you want a Bosnian rescue, you know who to come to.....
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:27:48 +0000

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