Most of us have been there: a super-productive morning finishing - TopicsExpress


Most of us have been there: a super-productive morning finishing projects, working towards inbox zero, and fighting the urge to tweet at co-workers. Then the clock strikes two and we might as well pull down the shades, throw on pajamas, and hop into bed. It’s completely normal to feel super-tired once the afternoon rolls around. Circadian rhythms, which affect our sleep patterns, may be to blame for the midday-slump. In fact, our “sleep signals” peak at night and during the afternoon (right around 2pm!), which may explain why we want to grab an afternoon cat nap. Other factors, like what we eat, hydration levels, and how much time we spend staring at a screen can also affect those tired eyes. So to beat the mid-afternoon slump, try these 22 tips to boost energy and feel lively all day long. Pump, Pump It Up — Your Action Plan Think its time to curl up in the cubicle? Here are some ways to fix the fatigue as soon as sleepiness strikes. Quick Fixes •Work out. A midday trip to the gym may not only boost productivity; it could ward off sleepiness, too. Stick to some light aerobic exercise before getting back to the books. •Step back from the screen. In order to avoid eyestrain (which can make the eyes feel tired) keep a safe distance from the computer screen — about an arm’s length. That, or try a pair of snazzy computer glasses. •Stretch it out. Feelin’ stiff? Stretching out can provide a quick boost of energy. If there’s no stretching station in sight, try a handful of these desk stretches to keep the muscles loose. •Move around. A change of scenery may boost productivity, so do some work at a coffee shop or camp out in a meeting room. Try to park near a window for some natural light, which may keep us more alert. •Grab a towel. Splash some cold water on your face to wake up. •Sip some green tea. With less caffeine than a cup of coffee, a mug of green tea can give us that afternoon pick-me-up without making us stay awake all night....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:15:34 +0000

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