Most of us joined revolution fully aware of its price. We can not - TopicsExpress


Most of us joined revolution fully aware of its price. We can not make a mistake of reducing of enemy to be the tea lady (Helen Zille) of the multi-national companies neither to be steward (zanc) of the heartless colonial systems. Our enemy is the one who sponsored and benefited from nearly half a million people who died from war-related causes in Iraq. We face the same enemy that heavily funded the minority (middle class and business people) of Venezuela to destabilise the presidency of Hugo Chavez by renting counter-revolutionary crowds, renting snipers and journalists who saw the death of innocent lives, like they tried and also failed in Zimbabwe. Our potential revolutionary achievements stare the eyes of the enemy that carry no guilt for their generous fundings that saw the death of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and many other prominent revolutionary leaders. Its still the same enemy that championed the defence of apartheid policy. What should make us think they will not champion the defence of the invisible-visible colonial system? Hence we understand until Power to the people!!! is realised, our enemy is out there canny, skimming, growing and winning our own trusted comrades. In fact we need to be careful of those who attempt to reduce our revolutionary cause to that of an ideological-less COPE and etc. We need to withdraw from entertaining those who insinuate that we must be happy people despite the none ending poverty struggles of our people- Im sure you are compelled to wonder what does power to the people mean to them. So next time they say we are an angry organisation, we must tell them; unlike you who are happy to see the western foreigners own 85% of our land and controlling 98% of mineral wealth and treating african people as labor slave we are angry- moreover, safe guarded the status quo for two decades. Unlike you, we are angry until we see power restored to the people Hence the revolution must mature to a level of democratisation with the aim to- amplify, stabilise and sustain the current power. The roaring power from the thunderings voices of the economically oppressed masses of our nation. Hence we proclaim Power to the people!!! Let us show you another way in which power of the people is displaced to minority capitalists in South Africa. In order contest in a democratic electoral South African system across the country we are expected to deposit more than half a million rands. Why? and where are we expected to source that large amount of money in a state where majoring struggle to survive with hardly R13.00/day? The answer is simple, we are expected to source it from the very same capitalist we seek to neutralise. Meaning the reason for this high price tag of election process is not only to ensure only rich people must represent us as poor people. But more devastating it is to ensure the down toning of the voice of every single vote by amplifying the voice of every electoral campaign funder. Therefore the very trusted electoral system stimulates financial dependance of our politicians (our representatives) on multi-national capitalists. As such becomes the root cause of infested corrupt culture across the political spectrum. No wonder we have our own people that we trusted with our live, now became trophy models of neoliberal policies. But power shall find its way back home, to the people. Now that you see the source that is corrupting our politicians actually stems from the very electoral system- that s suppose to liberate and emancipate us as the poor. We are more than certain that you now fully understand why we hold IEC to account before not after general election. Until we expose and stop IEC from promoting capitalists control we shall not be afraid to voice against these anti-democratic elements. We are inspired by what it would be like when power is back to the people. And those we entrust with leadership of the revolutionary struggle must understand this struggle is not for the weak, soft hearted, short sighted and neither for those with narrow interest. But it is a struggle for strong, fearless, long-sighted leaders who are not intimidated by the size and suppressing tactics of the enemy, internal power competition nor the power that is in the masses. For this is a struggle that must not cost money but a struggle of great value as it continue to cost a lot of blood shared. Power to the people!!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:05:38 +0000

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