Most of us, parents and teachers alike, have never even heard of - TopicsExpress


Most of us, parents and teachers alike, have never even heard of the arcuate fasciculus, a white matter tract in the left hemisphere of the brain, but if a childs is not fully developed when they enter school they are doomed to do poorly on any reading test the school is forced to use to measure their achievement. And, of course, the teacher who has this child in their classroom is doomed to a lower evaluation because of the childs condition. Even though researchers can now flag the disorder in very young children with an MRI scan, interventions have not been developed to overcome the condition, dyslexia. Only one of many learning pre-conditions children bring with them to school, it illustrates a problem reformers seem unwilling to address. So tell me, proponent of high-stakes testing and Common Core, should these children be labeled as failures and their teachers given a poor evaluation? Is that what “higher standards” and “accountability” mean. Should children be measured against an unachievable standard and teachers deemed failures because they have children in their classrooms who face this obstacle? My answer is a resounding NO! And parents, educators, school board members, and other concerned citizens must stand up and demand an end to the draconian measures of NCLB, RttT, and other abusive reforms. The time is now. Demand position statements from legislators running for office, school board candidates, and new hires into public education administrative positions. And hold them accountable once elected. We CAN make a difference but only by standing up and demanding change. Who is with me on this and how far are you willing to go?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:20:54 +0000

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