Most of what is needed for a POLICE STATE is actually already in - TopicsExpress


Most of what is needed for a POLICE STATE is actually already in place. At any moment any of us can be imprisoned without warning, without cause, and no due process of law; we can be kidnapped, tortured and assassinated legally if the government decides what we are doing is a threat to their agenda. All the govt has to do is name us as a suspect in their so called BULLSKATA war on terror. Were being watched and monitored. Our telephone conversations recorded. Our electronic communications are being captured, stored and can be used by govt at any time. Free Speech is no longer a right; to demonstrate publicly we must first obtain permission. Our drivers licenses have computer chips implanted in them to track our every move. To use public transport we must now obtain a card that allows govt to monitor where and when we travel. RFID chips are being implanted into patients in hospitals. These chips were initially developed to track manufacturers products; Are we content with being reduced to the status of a product? People are being micro chipped, just as dogs and cats are micro-chipped. FOR BETTER TRACKING AND CONTROL. If every man, woman, and child can be tracked and controlled, the government will have no problem in dealing effectively with any resistance, or civil unrest. The govt will no longer fear the people. The ruling elite using our governments as puppets, are fully aware, the power of people is greater than the people in power; but the precautionary methods are already in place; and we continue to welcome these methods, with big smiles of appreciation; thanking the government for the poison apple. Our children, our grandchildren and their children will have much to thank us for.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:52:01 +0000

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