Most of you are aware that since our beginning, New Covenant Life - TopicsExpress


Most of you are aware that since our beginning, New Covenant Life has been meeting Sunday after Sunday in the homes of some of our attendees. We are very thankful for these past days (since October of last year) to have been able to meet in such a way. I think we all would agree that it has grown us more intimately together as a church family; were very thankful for those who have been willing to open up their homes to us. We knew this was a temporary solution. And we knew, that for some, meeting in a home could possibly be rather intimidating - it could possibly hinder our numerical growth in a major way. And for good reason. But we, also, knew that this was the place where God had brought us. I think most of us would agree that it has been for our learning and growth - that lesson is namely this: the church is not a building; we are the church. For months we have been searching for a reasonable location that would both meet our needs for our small little flock and would be affordable so that it would not put us in a major financial strain at the outset. Several doors had opened only to close later on down the road. It was fairly discouraging at times. And yet, God had been so gracious to us week after week. But then a door opened and stayed open. And to make a long *beautiful* story short, God has provided a location for us that goes beyond anything that any of us could have possibly imagined at a price that most would people find it difficult to believe - humanly speaking. But nothing is too hard for our God. He has provided a good portion of the funds needed by our friends in our network of churches that have been there for us all along the way (and not just monetarily). He has, also, provided through the church we purchased the building from who had been praying for months that God would send a church buyer that was committed to some of the same things they were committed to. Today we closed on that building. It is now the ownership of New Covenant Life. We will be, Lord willing, meeting there for our first service this Sunday. We long to use what He has given us for the glory of His great Name and for our eternal joy that finds our hope completely and gloriously in Him! And all Gods people said, Amen!.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 01:46:04 +0000

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