Most of you have been keeping updated on the Facebook Page with - TopicsExpress


Most of you have been keeping updated on the Facebook Page with Brian & Sheila. His progress is amazing.... God gets all the Glory & all the Praise from both Brian & Sheila. We have reopened the YOUCARING website at youcaring/other/bless-those-that-bless-you-/203758/update/251667 They are going into the 5th month of the Season that God has so graciously given them! With that being said, I wanted to post some Family & Financial updates. Their SNAP (food stamp) Benefits ended in Nov. These benefits were taking care of most of their groceries. Medicaid has been denied- which would have covered balances on medical bills. Some of the bills have been covered by insurance & others under finanical aid. However, there are a few that have balances after both of these items have been reviewed. Social Security Disability rating is still pending. And the household bills are still coming in. Sheila has been attempting to keep her piano schedule as full as she can, along with taking Brian and Garrett to different doctors appointments, therapy, consultations, etc. They have been traveling anywhere from Edinburg, Woodstock to Winchester & then today as far as UVA for the latest concern with Brians sinuses. I reopened this YOUCARING site for a few reasons. ONE- For continued Prayer for Brian, Sheila, Colton & Garrett & all the medical professionals that they will see. TWO-To remind us that we are all blessed. THREE- To bring everyone up to date & see where you can help still. Its an ongoing process for them from the healing of the Stroke, to a lifestyle change, seasonal change as well as a financial change for them. Here are a few from the Facebook Page : DEC 11th: Had MRI on shoulder Tuesday. Well get results tomorrow. Today going to UVA for consult with a sinus professor...looks like a beautiful day for a drive. Thankful we enjoy being together! After 5 weeks apart when he was in the hospital, God has redeemed the time. Yesterday marked 5 months on this journey! Wow. Cant believe it. Certainly was NOT what we had planned for this time, but God had other ideas. He works ALL things for good! Isaiah 55:8-10 NOV 28th : Another interesting day in the Lloyd household. Brian has been having very severe headaches behind his right eye for 4 days on and off. Trip to ER. Been here 3 1/2 hours. IV dilaudid hardly touched the pain. CT scan showed sinusitis! So, they are treating that with strong antibiotics and recommending f/up with ENT next week. We are just grateful that it is not stroke related, for good care and for an answer! Would have been more fun to do Christmas decorating. NOV 24th: Havent posted in a while. I must admit that I have struggled with discouragement the last few weeks. Have also not been in top health which doesnt help. However, I had a Come to Jesus meeting this morning during my quiet time. (Thats another thing -- I hadnt been as diligent about going out to the studio and having my quiet time each day. I would read couple verses but just not spending the quality time with the Lord in study, prayer and worship.) Its easy to find excuses not to BUT it greatly affects our attitude and perspective. The last 2 Sundays we have heard particularly good words of encouragement through sermons. 11/16 at FWF was about THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY to walk around in discouragement and despair is actually a sin of unbelief saying that we dont believe God is who He says He is and that He can do what He says He can do. Forgive me, Lord! Now, yes, I believe that the Lord understands that we are but dust, and He is gracious and compassionate when we are going through trials. However, He gave us His word as encouragement, and He also laid it on our hearts at the beginning of this journey that Brian would be fully restored and healed through faith in Jesus name. Brian knew from the start that the Lord has things to teach him through the process. Well, the process is on-going. Duh. Thats why its called a process. So, Lord, thank you for your graciousness but I pray that you would give me YOUR strength and YOUR joy to continue to walk through this journey and not give in to the enemys darts of discouragement. Yesterdays sermon was about being THANKFUL and counting our blessings! Truly we have SO MUCH to be thankful for!! Lord, deliver me from all discouragement and fill those vacated places with your Spirit and with an attitude of gratitude and joy. THANK YOU! Just thought I would be honest...perhaps someone else needs to hear it too. NOV 17th : We are over 4 months in on this process. Medicaid has been denied. We are awaiting a final decision on Disability. Brian is gaining a lot of movement but is experiencing quite a bit of pain everywhere on the left side. The Dr and therapists say this is very normal after a stroke. We have been blessed with massages every week from a professional massage therapist who is a friend of ours. Those help him a lot! Please continue to pray for the Lords perfect plan in this process, that we would learn everything He wants us to, that we would have JOY and peace and patience with one another. The message yesterday was particularly a blessing and encouragement to me....He is our JOY, Immanuel God with us! Hallelujah! youcaring/other/bless-those-that-bless-you-/203758/update/251667
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 18:46:41 +0000

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