Most of you know, I carry on that disgusting, smelly, harmful - TopicsExpress


Most of you know, I carry on that disgusting, smelly, harmful habit of smoking...I have since I was 13. Up until now, I have wanted, yes wanted to smoke. Peers tell me I should quit, I already know but like I said, I didnt want to. Not having a want to do something means having zero willpower to change it....until now. I see people on a daily basis struggle with the life smoking has left them, youd think that would do it right? Nah, Im young & stupid I guess... I smell the muskiness of my clothes & belongings when outside of my home, it sickens me. That should do the trick too huh? Nope. Without a WANT to change, a person wont, simple as that. No matter how much its paraded in front of them, how many lectures they sit through, no matter how much pain theyve witnessed through anothers eyes, they wont change until they want to. Ive finally decided that I WANT change. Baby steps, bc it IS hard! One- I already dont smoke at work, its a ethics thing. Two- There will be no more smoking in my home. So Ive wanted this for a long time but again, its hard but Its getting warmer out so makes for easier transition. My kids deserve that Three- changing to lights & minimizing my cigarette intake less and less by the day. This shouldve been realized sooner but couldve just as well have never been realized. Its never too late. I want to do this, I need to do this. And I need support, from every angle so that I am not a convicted murderer & 400lbs by the time its accomplished. :-)
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:07:38 +0000

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