Most of you know I was able to quit cigarettes 8 months ago, but - TopicsExpress


Most of you know I was able to quit cigarettes 8 months ago, but that is only part of a more total program for improving my health and wellbeing. Although there have certainly been indications here on my facebook posts and such, many of you may not know that for a while I was using marijuana as quite a crutch and it arguably stopped being helpful a long time ago. I might discuss it more another day, but suffice it to say that was also something I gave up early in 2014. Its not necessarily a good or bad thing, but it was bad for me, and Im glad to be done with it. Going into 2015 I am continuing to struggle to improve my diet, fitness, oral hygiene, and sleep habits. Not caring for my teeth and gums was done out of a self-destructive drive and in 2014 I have improved greatly, brushing and flossing quite nearly every night before bed. I do brush sometimes mid-day and that is something I am going to continue to strive to improve. My sleep habits have also improved by using melatonin but I still get my sleep schedule disturbed fairly regularly, usually in part due to depression or not having exercised. Ive been more active particularly lately. Over the last six months or so there has been a gradual but general trend of improvement. Ill walk a mile or two or ride a stationary bike for a half hour. It would be good for me to also regularly practice yoga but I still have some psychological associations with it which trigger depression and related negative emotional states. Dont ask. Finally, the thing I have had the most difficulty with is my eating habits. Although I am eating more healthful things, avoiding simple carbs and junk food, eating fruits and veggies, I still have trouble with candy in general and especially chocolate, and I also still generally overeat. But moving forward into 2015 Im going to keep trying to improve these things because I am tired of feeling the anxiety from not taking care of myself. There are plenty of other things already contributing to my poor emotional state, so having something I can really change myself and be proactive about should help. Thanks for all your support, especially when I quit smoking. Happy new year.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:23:09 +0000

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