Most of you know that I have a pretty phenomenal church gig where - TopicsExpress


Most of you know that I have a pretty phenomenal church gig where I get to sing with amazing people every week; we get to tell stories in such powerful ways. In addition, Ive spent much of my time this past year sorting through my past and writing my story - opening up my heart and laying all of it out here all the time. (Which I highly recommend, by the way.) What you may not know is that in my 9-5 life, I write communications every week which are read by hundreds of employees in several states and three countries who assist our clients over the phone. One of the things that sets me apart is that I have always written pieces so they place the employee in the clients shoes first, so theyre operating from their perspective as we get into whatever information Im imparting. Storytelling is a huge part of what I do every day, everywhere in my life! I am so excited to read my friend David Hutchens upcoming book all about the importance of storytelling in the work world. And Im so, so honored that he is one who reads my many rambling posts, and always has such beautiful things to say. He also paid me one of the best compliments Ive ever received. Not sure if was about my singing or my writing! Well say both. :) But Ill always remember these words: Thank you for your authentic voice. We notice. Check out this fantastic preview of his new book, and go like his page David Hutchens • 9 Muse! Im going to bet storytelling is a huge part of your world too ... even if you have no idea.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 20:36:06 +0000

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