Most of you probably have no idea but I suffer with quite severe - TopicsExpress


Most of you probably have no idea but I suffer with quite severe anxiety. Id never say it was depression but I do have very low points where nothing can make me happy (not even icecream) Nothing causes this. It comes and goes just when I am settled in life. For years I thought everyone just felt like this & used to suffer in silence in case I looked like a drama queen. But in the last few months Ive started opening up about it & it is so helpful. It still feels like noone can do or say anything at times to make me feel better or change my train of thought but just talking about it really really helps. And it is so much better to tell your friends & family the real reason you dont want to hang out today or why you cant make it into work. Lying only makes the anxiety worse that you might get found out. Im getting heart palpitations just thinking about posting this, about people judging me for it, but lots of people have told me the best way to get over things is by letting go & realising theyre not going to ruin my life. There are lots of different types of anxiety/stress/depression also so dont for a second compare yourself to someone else & think well mines nowhere near as bad as that so I wont need help It is probably affecting you in ways you arent aware of by bottling it up. I get really bad skin, ulcers, fatigue, stomach cramps etc while some people have panic attacks, cant get out of bed. You are just as important as anyone & deserve to be as happy as the rest so go talk to someone. To everyone. Dont bottle it in. You will get some amazing advice & a helping hand you didnt think was there!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:25:02 +0000

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