Most of you who will read this (my Godbuddies, as I often refer to - TopicsExpress


Most of you who will read this (my Godbuddies, as I often refer to you) are aware that I try to live my life by the following mantra: God nudges us to where God wants us: when God wants us there. As this school year begins, I am awash with emotions. For the first time in 34 years I am not in a classroom. I am on a new adventure, and I heard God whisper, You are where, you are to be for the moment. It happened today at my store (Walgreens #4450, I have taken to referring to it thusly). I glanced down the aisle and offered the standard greeting, Welcome to Walgreens, at an interesting two individuals who appeared to be searching for whatever one searches for in a Walgreens store on a Sunday morning. Somehow the conversation was started with Jo & Ro (sounds like it could be a stand up comedic act). In actuality, Jo and Ro are Sister Jo; and Sister Ramona who are Catholic nuns, and blood sisters. At this point, I could not resist, sharing a few pieces of my story; and inquiring for a few pieces of theirs in return. What should have been a momentary store assistance moment turned into a sharing of spirits. Dont tell me God is not involved in this Sunday morning exchange. After close to 45 minutes, I knew deep down I was supposed to be right there; at that time. It was Her way of letting me know, All is good, and as it should be. (I am thinking Jo & Ro, might become characters in the next literary excursion of this crazy cajun catholic.) Stay tuned! On a side note: to all those students turned friends who are starting their next chapter; and to those continuing the chapter... I repeat some advice you have heard me utter before - Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson MGPJ&LBEAYSWTJL
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 01:07:00 +0000

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