Most of you would have demanded that George Bush be thrown in jail - TopicsExpress


Most of you would have demanded that George Bush be thrown in jail if he had Run up the national debt to $17.5 TRILLION? Or if he had refused to sign a budget even when his own party was in control of the house? Or if he had violated the War Powers Act? What if George Bush had been the first President to require all Americans to purchase a product (Healthcare)from a third party or pay a fine? Or if he had spent $1 trillion on shovel-ready jobs and later admitted there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs? Or if he had given $535 million in taxpayer funded federal guarantees to a failing company (Solyndra) just before they went bankrupt because they were a campaign contributor? What if George Bush had filed a federal lawsuit against four states (AZ, WI, OH, IN) for enforcing existing immigration laws? Or if he had allowed 2,000 guns to flow to Mexican drug trafficking cartels for the purpose of tracking them, but then lost track of them and then one of the guns was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry? What if George Bush had publicly bowed to Americas enemies while refusing to salute the U.S. Flag? Or what if he had refused to wear the U.S. Flag lapel pin? Or what if he intentionally put defenseless Americans in harms way at a Libyan embassy on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and then, when the attacks began and help was on the way, had told the reinforcements to stand down? And what if he had blamed those attacks on a nonexistent video? What if George Bush had been the first President ever to skip the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball, which is held in honor of Medal of Honor recipients, Purple Heart recipients, paralyzed veterans and other military heroes? Or if during his Presidency, the VA had wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Disney World while thousands of veterans were on waiting lists? Or if he had traded 5 top ranking terrorist for one AWOL trader/terrorist sympathizer? Or if he had said the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.? What if George Bush had appointed 45 Czars to replace elected officials in his office? What if George Bushs Pastor and long time friend had gone on record multiple times saying God damn America during a church sermon? What if George Bush had spent more hours on the golf course and on vacation than he did in meetings on the economy? And what if he had hired 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife? What If George Bush hadnt been able to provide a verifiable birth certificate? Or if he had applied for college aid as a foreign student, then denied he was a foreigner? Or if he had hidden his medical, educational and travel records? What if he accused congress of being obstructionist and not doing their job every they failed to support his agenda instead of trying to bring both sides together on common ground? And what if the IRS had targeted liberal groups during George Bushs second term campaign and then said they lost all their e-mails from that time period? You would have demanded that he do prison time. Thats what....Yet, Obama does it and you support him. Why?
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:38:45 +0000

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