Most parents when their kids get older are like my god where has - TopicsExpress


Most parents when their kids get older are like my god where has the time gone? Thats not me at all. I say my god now I know what happened to all of my hair! By the time they both graduate I will be so bald I will make that dude on Deal or no Deal look like hes wearing a toupe next to me. Hair or no hair they are a true gift from God! Sometimes I feel like they were a prank gift but nevertheless a true gift from God! Just yesterday Chase and Caleb was fighting and arguing. Caleb goes in the cabinet and breaks out the Peter Pan. Takes a shovel out of the dishwasher. He gets a shovel full of peanut butter out of the jar and proceeds to stick it in Chases face and asked him if he wanted some. That would of been pretty sweet of Caleb if it wasnt for one little minor thing. Chase is deathly allergic to peanuts. Nothing like brotherly love! Such as that is the reason my hair has gone into hiding. Sometimes I think my hair has the right idea. Seriously though,I love those boys with all my heart. Im as proud as a parent could be when they do good. Im also one of the most critical parents when they dont do good. I praise both of them when they earn it. I criticize them when they earn that too. Im not the best of parents but I am a smart parent. Im smart enough to see the mistakes other parents have made with their kids. The politically correct society we live in teaches our kids there are no losers. That is a bunch of bull! If my kids suck at something Im going to tell them they suck. Guess what? In the real world there are winners and losers. So we can pump our kids up all we want but in the end what we are really doing is increasing their odds for failure. It doesnt take no 8 year degree from Harvard to figure that out.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:44:22 +0000

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