Most people are living a life of conformity. Doing what you think - TopicsExpress


Most people are living a life of conformity. Doing what you think is safe and practical. Creating this false notion of I love my job. When in actuality your dread getting up every morning to go to work. You live your whole life in fear, aka False. Evidence. Appearing. Real. Its time to stop making the excuses, stop the lies, and start speaking your reality into existence. And most importantly start taking action NOW! It doesnt matter how small your first steps are, they will compound everyday to become your true reality. I dare you to step out on faith. I posted yesterday that God gave man dominion over the universe. Speak to the things that are above and not beneath. Declare today that your world revolves around your ideas, your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, and watch the laws of sowing and reaping manifest. And you just watch how your life will start to transform into the picture that you painted so long ago, when you were a little kid with that big imagination and huge dreams. Its time to break that family curse, the genetics excuse, and take control. Because if you dont, well I guess you will die empty. And if you need help being accountable, dont be afraid to ask. We all need support no matter how big time or small time you may be. Hold it in, try to concur your faults by yourself, and the devil gets his way. But if we create an army if accountability, we will create true heaven on earth. So watch this one minute video and be inspired. But then after that get of your ass and lets make a change together!!! Dap Dunbar
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:15:52 +0000

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