Most people do not know this but there is a fight happening in - TopicsExpress


Most people do not know this but there is a fight happening in switzerland.The despute is about wether to stop the traditional swizz christmas mean of roast cat.Yes you heard me, but you are shocked because you didnt know that europeans eat domestic animals did you?We all thought that it was only the chinese that ate such things.Now why is that? why do we only hear about the yodelling and the qaint aspects of swizz life but nothing about this? yet the chinese are pillioried for thesame practices.I also heard that africans eat people.What country in africa is that?There has never been a canibal culture anywhere in africa but there is plenty of instances in europe especially easten europe.How comes europeans killed 80 million africans and took slaves but black people are seen as violent?The deepness of european racism is very well planned and relentlessly maintained even in the face of evidence to the contrary.It has been a tactic of the european elite to keep thier working classes working not thinking.Infact they have been so lobotomized that they dont seek education and accept thier position as serfs.This battle being waged by ukip is not about independence but about who is going to be the serfs.The working classes do not fight to overthrow thier overlords but strive to maitain thier position as the prefered serf.This is because members of the tory party are letting in loads of immigrants because the british working class want a living wage.Infact that is why the benefits system is the way it is because margret thatcher thought it better to bring in immigrants to work for less and let the british working class claim benefits on the back of taxes paid by immigrants but as usual they never thought that the immigrants would claim benefits as well, so now we are going to demonize them.Who knows what the ukip party stands for besides hatred of foriegners?We want to liberate black people and that will happen one day but is it possible to liberate the british working class? They have been the victims of a two tier education designed to keep them serfs.They are so scared of everything and it only takes a spoof story in the sun to start them off.Infact thier life is shit because of immigrants and as soon as we all go home everything will be fine.They dont see the tories using tax payers money to clean thier moat, no, its the immigrants.How did those immigrants get here and who employs them?You will find that it is indeed them that employ nannies on low wages and cleaners etc.One of the toughest ministers on immigration had to resign because she was employing an illigal immigrant in her house.When the immigrants go home you will have to go back to pre union days with children up chimneys.It makes me laugh when working class people moan about the unions because without the unions they are finished as people and would have to return to the sub human existance described by Charles Dickens during the hieghts of the british empire.Yes folks be proud that when Britain had all the wealth in the world, that children still went up chimneys and some were born and worked in mine shafts all thier lives without seeing sun light, they usually lived about twelve years.Yes when you puff out your chest and sing rule Britania remember the glory was never yours and that infact the lot of the working class were never worse than when Britain was the richest country in the world.They dont want the working class educated because that would be the end for them and as long as they think it plausible that the chinese take away would rather spend all day chasing cats and dogs even though chicken is really cheap and a lot less hassle to catch, they will be in control.It may well be that the swizz have been stealing our pets for years but because of racism we blame it on the chinese when infact roast cat is a swizz delicacy.haha you couldnt make it up.It actually wouldnt change things much if ukip got in because they are just the tory party without o levels, it would make no difference at all exept that the edl yobs will be able to determine the colour of the serfs.These are just tory militia, nothing to do with the working class who just want dignity like everyone else but are too poorly educated to work out who stole thier land and robbed them of thier dignity,They think that thier lot will improve when the immigrants go home but the oposite will happen but with a false history taught at school they are proud of thier own subjugation.If the white working class joined up with the immigrants the ruling classes would fall and there will be a better living for everyone because the tories and the royals are the ones fleecing this nation.That is why they formed ukip to make sure that it never happens.Nigel Farage drinks beer for the cameras but drinks chatua la fete once the cameras are gone.He doesnt give a shit about the working class and was a banker before he got on this particular gravy train.Wake up England wake up and seize your birthright, the ukip people are not your friends, they exist to return you to serfdom, that is your true heritage and untill you start to question what you are taught you will remain ignorant and angry.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:34:33 +0000

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