Most people do not understand that being in a coöperative means - TopicsExpress


Most people do not understand that being in a coöperative means that you should also adapt to the coöperative ideology. It is about doing and thinking. Are you in the coöperative for the benefits only...then you should get out of it...because coöperative is all about sharing and helping each other and making a more human society....we have a lot to learn in Curaçao. In latin -america and in other parts of the world....we organize in coöperatives because the liberal-capitalist society based on making profit, profit against all odds and in whatever form is based on fake-quality-marketing and centralizing money in a few hands and exploitation, while the coöperative movement is about creating equal opportunity and figthting empoverishment of the people. People in those type of organization are working on "being-together and working together" form the human being spiritually, is an integral part of the movement principles In Curaçao for example we save to get a dividend, that is a false-flag. The real instrument is Patronage-refund, because of you helping by borrowing for good project and community-building or buying the product of your coöperative you are refunded for you patronage. Dividend is only meant to keep your value of your participation index-linked (indexering) so your participation will not be devaluated. In a normal human society "money" will not lose its value because of the community participation. So dividend is created, as a protection, because we are in a capitalist-based economy, to protect us from "them"...the greedy-ones
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:23:03 +0000

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