Most people eating the standard American diet do not get nearly - TopicsExpress


Most people eating the standard American diet do not get nearly enough Omega-3 fats, and overload on Omega-6 fats from processed foods, which the food industry relies on heavily. How cooking can save your life: The propaganda that the food industry has convinced us of is that cooking is hard, expensive, time-consuming and messy. Thats why we have outsourced cooking to corporations and are now the sickest, fattest nation in the world because of it. Thus, I am a strong believer in preparing real food for my family. It is a learning process, but very quickly you can do it and become quite efficient at it, and the processed foods prepared by people that dont actually care about the health of your family, quickly become unacceptable to you. We have so many resources on line for ideas - no excuses! One of my absolute favorite family-friendly healthy fat packed quick dinners (we ate it tonight, less than 10 minutes to prepare) - my boys fondly call it the orange fish salad, yay!! . . . . . . . start with a large bowl, put in 2 ripe avocados, mashed with a few splashes of apple cider vinegar and olive or avocado oil add in two 14 oz. cans wild caught bone-in salmon 6-8 large organic carrots and a couple of handfuls of cilantro (I grind these down together in the vitamix or food processor) 3-4 tablespoons of cumin sea salt to taste mash it all up together, we eat with lettuce, black bean beanitos, or ezekial sprouted grain wraps Its so good, I cant believe I made it up. We probably eat this once a week. Canned salmon, especially with the bones, looks so gross when you open it up, then it miraculously turns into this delectable orange fish salad :) huffingtonpost/dr-mark-hyman/overeating_b_4964351.html
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 03:16:09 +0000

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