Most people know Im not Mahdi Hasans biggest fan, as he has openly - TopicsExpress


Most people know Im not Mahdi Hasans biggest fan, as he has openly stated things that take a person outside the fold of Islam. So, many may have thought I would have been pleased when Saif Rahman, from the Telegraph, decided to publish a story detailing his venomous views towards orthodox Sunni Islam. Let me be the first to state that even though the article titled Mahdi Mercury - The Great Pretender details many factual things about Mahdi Hasan, you have to question why this piece was printed now. Just to give you some detail about Saif Rahman; he is an apostate atheist, who is known to mock different aspects of Islam. So dont think he did Muslims a favour when he wrote an article against Mr Hasan. This story was released for a reason and that is to make sure Sunni Muslims (the majority in the UK) hate Mahdi Hasan enough that he loses his credibility with them. Yes, there are a hundred and one issues with him, but now is not the time to attack him because he is in fact stepping up and defending Islam and Muslims, when our own Sunni leaders are sitting back relaxing under the sun. Just for this reason Mahdi Hasan should be defended, though that does not mean we agree with his personal Islamic views. Over the last 2-3 weeks, a concerted effort has been made by the government and the media in attacking Islam. Muslims are being smeared with ridiculous accusations for the sole reason that they are Muslims and this article is just another piece of the jigsaw. For this reason, please be aware that the timing of this article was chosen specifically to smear someone who is defending Islam and Muslims. Anyone who defends Muslims should expect the same treatment in the coming months.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 16:19:33 +0000

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