Most people that have known me for a while have herd me refer of - TopicsExpress


Most people that have known me for a while have herd me refer of myself as the professional unpaid lab rat. With all the experimental drug cocktails, herbal supplements, vitamin supplements, holistic and alternative therapies ranging from chiropractic, acupressure, acupuncture, cupping, biofeedback, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, many-many elimination diets and on a very severe restrictive fresh food diet (no preservatives and no GMO) Binaural Beats Brainwave, Subliminal, massage therapy, Reikki, Visulization and now Occipital Nerve Blocks, Nerve Ablations, Botox x3, etc.. I have always searched and researched for traditional and alternative methods and said Id always be willing to try anything (legal) and give it 1 or 2 tries to be fair. So I did some reading and researching, when I could see somewhat straight, and got interested in magnets. So I thought why not. No pill to take, no side effects-unless I come into contact with something highly magnetized. So I got a book. I also got 2 magnetic hematite anklets, 2 magnetic hematite bracelets and 1 magnetic hematite necklace. I do have to admit that after 1 week of wearing the necklace the Cervical Osteoarthritis pain in my neck is not as bad as it was. Im still using my Cervical Traction 1x a day for 10 min at 10# to be safe and not over stretch. Ive not been taking my RX NSAID for concerns of bleeding and Ive been bruising too easy. And after my last nerve block a month ago I bled more that normal. Im impressed after just one week. My bad shoulder hasnt hurt as bad as it was from the old rotator cuff injury. My Neuropathy pain in my LH foot is getting better but I also upped my Vitamin D dose too. But my foot cramping is getting better. Now to be fair my PCP put me on 50mg Amitriptyline last week for the Neuropathy pain, she said it works for Fibro pain as well, and increased my Cymbalta from 30mg to 60mg. Im not sure Id be getting benefits from these meds this fast. Also Ive been sleeping a little better but that is due in part to the Amitriptyline. Now I wanted so bad to get off as many meds as possible. A month ago I was on 300mg Topamax and now Im on 100mg. Id like to be off it altogether due to the risk of liver damage over long term use and Ive been on this too long. Sure they took me off and put me on that horrible Depakote, then that Nardil-sucky meds, Verapamil but that made me so dizzy and sluggish, then back on Topamax again. Im so tired of meds. Allergic to Feverfew and St. Johns Wort, what a rash that made and a heck of a headache. Cant take anything in the dandelion or ragweed family. So Im going further with the magnets. Who knows. Shows some promise. And Im thinking of cutting out all red meat, I had cut it down to 1x a week. Chicken isnt safe anymore as its injected with chicken broth-MSG a big no-no, also called Yeast extract or protein, a hidden source of MSG. No farm raised fish as its full of pesticide. Better off with wild caught. More experimenting to do. Thats my latest update.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:40:51 +0000

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