Most people think that Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King or the - TopicsExpress


Most people think that Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King or the Dalai Lama were/are not pro-gun because they were advocats for peace. But you cannot keep peace if you are not able to protect yourselves against tyrants, thugs and warlords. Obama is no despot, but he acts like one. He wants to do good, but he selects the wrong tools. He lives in an ivory tower, has no contacts with the real world anymore and has no time for reflection. (for Obama please scroll down) Guns are tools. They need humans who use them. If this human is a law abiding citizen, he will use it for protection, hunting, target shooting or collecting. If this human is a criminal, he will use it for crimes or despotism. If the private gun ownership is forbidden and all guns are in the hands of the government, this government can do what it want. My [Katja] favourite gun quotes are these ones: - If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. - An armed society is a polite society. You will find both quotes, quotes by Ghandi and MLK and lots of others here: Why is Obama in this picture with lots of despots? ==================================== I assume Obama has the wrong consultants and losts his contacts to the people. He may experience the same as Thomas Jefferson in 3,5 years. But until then it may be to late to delete his wrong decision which were converted to law. Jefferson wrote to Maria Jefferson Eppes 1809 when he was not president anymore: I am convinced our own happiness requires that we should continue to mix with the world, and to keep pace with it as it goes; and that every person who retires from free communication with it is severely punished afterwards by the state of mind into which he gets, and which can only be prevented by feeding our sociable principles. I can speak from experience on this subject. From 1793 to 1797 I remained closely at home, saw none but those who came there, and at length became very sensible of the ill effect it had on my own mind, and of its direct and irresistible tendency to render me unfit for society and uneasy when necessarily engaged in it. I felt enough of the effect of withdrawing from the world then to see that it led to an anti-social and misanthropic state of mind, which severely punishes him who gives in to it; and it will be a lesson I never shall forget as to myself. Think about it and act! ================ Your local politician has not lost contacts to the people, your local politician does not live in an ivory tower, your local politician needs to know what people think. Obama has only contacts with NROs which dont represent the people. WE are the people. Contact your local politician! Tell him/her about your live, your fears. Tell him/her about the no-correlation of guncrime and gun ownership. And if you need help for arguments, write us - we help!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 20:15:32 +0000

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