Most people who arent following Tracy Hooker here on Facebook - TopicsExpress


Most people who arent following Tracy Hooker here on Facebook arent happy. Coincidence? Nah, son. Tracy Hooker has the greatest voice of all time and its only getting better. But heres the thing, her singing voice isnt just a talent, its a f*cking super power capable of healing all wounds whether physical or inward. Dont believe me? Well, that probably means youre an insecure raging Nazi who hates himself and is probably in need of Tracys healing powers. Either that or youre a Knicks fan. You see, heres the story of the Goddess known as Tracy Hooker~ Tracy Hooker was born in the realms of Heaven by the hands of God himself. God created Tracy to send down to Earth and cure diseases, emotions, and wars with the sound of her angelic voice. Tracys original name was Ethereal Euphoria the Angel of Excellence, given to her by God himself. She spent her time curing horrid illnesses like aids, cancer, swine flu, alzheimers, diabetes, ebola, swag and parkinsons. However, once the evil and sinister Organization known as The Government found out about Ethereal Euphoria the Angel of Excellences ability, they wanted to track her down and use her DNA to make people have to pay for the cures. Because of this, Ethereal Euphoria the Angel of Excellence sought the help of Saul Goodman to help her change her identity. Thus, Ethereal Euphoria the Angel of Excellence was now known as Tracy. Saul gave her the last name Hooker because he told her it sounded professional. She believed him. Tracy wanted to keep Ethereal as her middle name, but that was too risky. The Government might catch on. So instead, she changed it to Elliette. Tracy Elliette Hooker remains hidden to this day secretly curing everyone and anyone she encounters. So if youre reading this damn essay, then today is your lucky day! Because Tracy Hooker is right in front of you with a chance to follow her on Facebook. Do it. Cure yourself from any form of negativity you have within or without. Take a listen and open your ears to the most spiritual voice youll ever need to hear in your life. Shes here for you. Shes here for us. Shes our savior. Follow her. Do it, faggots.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:25:45 +0000

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