Most people who know me when asked remark first and foremost that - TopicsExpress


Most people who know me when asked remark first and foremost that Im powerful. By their definition, I suppose I am. Seldom do people ever take the time to consider where such traits come from. In most strong willed people, you find that metal was forged in the flames of horrors most couldnt conceive of. For the longest time, my only role models in my occult studies were family- an insane uncle whos idea of a good time was grave robbing and culling flesh to draw the inhuman into his masterpieces or to offer his nephew to them to make him tough, a grandmother so obsessed with the wrongs she endured that the universe itself became her enemy and drove her to aberrant magics that really shouldnt be possible, a cousin so unstable that while he was the strongest sorcerer the family line had produced since Angelique he was also despised and hated by the entire populations of both Shreveport and Monroe, and a family that twisted the magic of G-d to suit themselves and their own desires regardless of who had to suffer. There was a dark period in my life wherein I surpassed all of them in skill and in the horrors I was able to commit, and honestly, Im still not sure what changed along the way. I cant say I had that super awesome older mentor, or a special love that made me see the light. I know that I view this skill and the responsibility it requires differently than anyone else Ive met short of those whove seen and done what I have- we all have that same poison eating at us. Still, each of us has that one goal that for us will represent our own redemption. Im still looking for mine. Again, Im not sure why, but this song means all of those things to me, so again, Im sharing it with you all. And now you know why. Seek not power over, mes amis, seek power through.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:00:40 +0000

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