Most religious spirits are birthed by revelations that become - TopicsExpress


Most religious spirits are birthed by revelations that become stale through lack of preservation (how the spirit said it, when the spirit said it, why the spirit said it, where the spirit said it, etc.) and therefore the revelations palatability is reduced to doctrinal religiosity. When Jesus encourages us to come to Him for daily bread He is offering us the honor of eating at His table today and not eating left overs from yesterday that may not sustain us today. When we eat yesterdays revelation, we become religious because religious spirits lack wisdom, insight, understanding, and proper application. When the religious spirit asked Jesus why He wanted to hang with sinners, Jesus said, wisdom is vindicated by her children. The Bible says to pray for a spirit of WISDOM AND REVELATION because the two go hand and hand. You cant have one without the other. If you are producing fruit (children), know that you are operating in revelations wisdom but if you feel barren and dry, you might want to check when is the last time you sat at the master table and ate fresh bread and therefore, exchanged religions supplements for revelations nutrients.... # food for thought
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 23:49:09 +0000

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