Most retired cops reflect on this time of year with warm feelings. - TopicsExpress


Most retired cops reflect on this time of year with warm feelings. It was a time of year when the administration and the bosses took their vacations, and you were left alone with your fellow road officers, able to do your job without your bosses interfering with your decisions. Dispatch would radio you to return to the station, and you’d discover that another one of the businesses had dropped off cases of Seagram’s Seven or turkeys for the officers. Families brought their children in with cookies, or a party platter for the shift, and you’d give them a quick tour of the station and the jail cells. It was a time of year when most people seemed to appreciate what our law enforcement officers did, and tried to make us understand that they felt bad that we had to work when everyone else was opening gifts around their Christmas trees. Fast forward to this year. Although I really miss the job, I am glad I’m retired. I have never seen the hatred directed towards law enforcement that I see today. If I had my way, every pinhead protestor who screamed in the face of an officer or laid down in a roadway during the past several months would still be sitting in a jail cell reflecting on their stupidity. The looters and rioters who caused damage to property would still be in the hospital licking their wounds brought on by doctor Modnadnock. Anyone silly enough to be still protesting would be civil and quiet, as defined by our Constitutional right to address our grievances. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution explicitly provides for “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’” The High Court has also ruled that the government has the authority to demand a permit be issued and that the “protest” be orderly and without inflammatory activity. Are you kidding me? Every single one of the “protests” around this country have broken the law. And our leaders, on the local, state, and federal level, allow this garbage to continue and expect our police officers to stand there and watch it happen. Our law enforcement officers, who have sworn to uphold the laws of the cities they serve, are being asked to ignore the violations of the laws they are supposed to enforce. Which empowers the protestors to the point where they are now killing police officers. Like a small child who is never disciplined for wrongdoing by the parents, whose bad behavior escalates to the point where they are assaulting and even killing their parents, these protestors feel like they can get away with anything. There have been no restraints on their behavior, so they have no fear when they march down the street in New York yelling “What do we want, dead cops!” I’m sorry, but that falls under “inflammatory language” as defined in the Disorderly Conduct statute. Every one of those jackasses would be running for their lives when I sent in the troops with the handcuffs. Don’t tell me that type of behavior is protected under the First Amendment. It never has been. It’s just now that our leaders are so afraid of the politically correct garbage that is floating around our toilet of society, they are afraid to enforce the law. The same law that keeps our society civil. I have written the administrators of police departments around the country encouraging them to take control of their communities. I’ve reminded them of what it was like when the police didn’t care whether the person you were arresting threatened to file a civil rights lawsuit against you. I’ve reminded them that the police have always been a force for good. No matter what the cop haters have convinced the public, our officers hit the streets every day expecting to uphold the laws they have sworn to enforce. They have never started their shift looking for an black man to shoot. How incredibly ridiculous is that thought! But they should NEVER be afraid to shoot anyone who is threatening their life of the life of another. And right now, our cops are afraid to pull the trigger. And that split second hesitation can be deadly. To all of my brothers and sisters who are putting on the uniform today and tomorrow, while the rest of our community is enjoying their families, just remember to do what is right. What you have chosen to do is one of the most honorable professions in our society. It is truly a thin blue line. Without you, we would live in anarchy. There is still a large percentage of our society that supports you and your efforts. And they will eventually stand up and speak on your behalf. Just remember to be careful. Watch each other’s back. And kill them before they kill you. And now you agnostics and atheists can sit down and shut up, because I’m about to quote God. There is a special place in our Creator’s heart for our law enforcement officers. Did you know that the minute a police officer takes his oath of office, he becomes a “minister of God?” That’s a much higher calling than a servant of the people. Romans 13:4 reads, “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” We need to let our law enforcement officers do the job they are sworn to do. And we need to start showing them our support. And we can do that by letting Al Sharpton and all of the pinhead protestors how much we despise their activity. We’re fed up with your antics. And if you people don’t knock it off soon, you’re going to find out what the word “backlash” means.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 15:28:51 +0000

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