Most spiritual people deny the existence of Evil, ignore it or - TopicsExpress


Most spiritual people deny the existence of Evil, ignore it or look away when faced with it, while claiming that All is One.. Duality is only an illusion so Evil does not exist.. It is a comfortable pretense for the effortless passiveness associated with egoism, callousness, opportunism, insensibility and indifference towards Evil under the apparent cloak of highest spirituality.. Easy EVIL excuse for not intervening in case of Evil.. simply from conformity and cowardice.. mind and/or heart inertia.. easy way to avoid Evil and to avoid the humane need to stand up against it.. The spiritual people feel better denying Evil according to their socially-psychologically-religiously-spiritually-environmental conditioning instead of taking proper, righteous and courageous actions against it.. Is it not EXACTLY that what the System wants us to think and do? Do NOT be fooled: the SYSTEMs origin is 1000s years ago! [ancient Egypt, Sumeria, Rome..] - having had brought about mass passiveness ever since, obduracy of the privileged classes and not only them – most of others, too – making and keeping people passive, unconscious of how wrong this world in fact is or they are.. and indifferent to EVIL.. not even seeing it or not wanting to.. ready to accept even great suffering without any resistance for some stupid ideas like that the suffering refines soul and heart, ennobles people or simply from cowardice.. mind and/or heart inertia.. human slaves ruled by MASTERS of this game.. in other words: nothing happened .. carry on shopping..
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:35:22 +0000

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