Most will agree that a coin has more than one side, or that a - TopicsExpress


Most will agree that a coin has more than one side, or that a diamond is made up of many facets and that all the facets fit together to make up the whole diamond. Depending on the way you turn it or look at it, the beauty is still the whole, as just the one side of the coin is not all there is to the coin. My topic this morning is Salvation and the gift of Grace, and what about the argument of Once Saved, Always Saved? I had a dream a few months ago & in the dream the Lord was telling me to straighten my feet, and oh people today I am speaking and declaring that the time Is now and we have to set our hearts after God, lay aside every weight and sin, and put on the robes of righteousness in preparation for the Coming of the Lord that is now at the door; and when someone is standing at your door, they are already there. As the violence in the middle east escalates, many understand the word of God is being fulfilled and the signing of the peace treaty is eminent. It doesnt matter whether we agree or believe it; Gods Word says it and I believe it. When Moses stood before the burning bush, God told him to put off his shoes from off of his feet for he was standing on Holy ground. God is a Holy God who is looking for a Holy people who have put off their own agendas, washed themselves in the blood of the Lamb, and are dressed in white garments awaiting His return. His word says that without holiness, no man shall see God. Matthew 7:13-14 says Enter ye in at the strait (compressed & full of pressures) gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it. It is interesting also in the very next verse that it tells us to: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing , but inwardly they are ravening wolves. When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, did God not show up and deliver them out of bondage (Save them)? Did the Lord not show up to deliver (Save) those out of Sodom and Gomorrah? Did God not show up to deliver us out of the dominion of Sin and darkness with the giving of His Son Jesus, our Lord and Savior? The price for our salvation has been paid, but oh there is another side to the coin. What about the scripture Matt 24:13 of He that endures to the end shall be saved? What about the scripture of He that puts his hand to the plow and looketh back is not fit for the kingdom of God? And what about, Not all that say Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of God but those that do the will of the Father? What is the will of the Father? Is it not to go on and grow into the image of Christ, to wash ourselves in His precious blood, and to go on to living a holy and Godly life walking upright in surrender to His truth, for His glory and His honor? It is something that in the exodus out of Egypt that more than 600K men, besides women and children came out and only a FEW entered into Gods promised land and that even Moses wasnt allowed to. And what about Sodom and Gomorrah? The deliverer came and only 4 escaped out, and one looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. That is my point today, What if we look back? Can we lose our salvation? If we continue in sin, rebellion, and disobedience, do we not count our Lords sacrifice as nothing and dishonor God? The preaching that is going on in this world that have disregarded holiness and righteousness and speak that once saved always saved...Is this deception and the enemy appearing as a angel of light? There are millions around the world confessing to be Christians and may have been born again...but does that mean that they are walking on the strait and narrow path loving and honoring God with their whole heart and have cast off their filthy garments to put on the robes of Gods righteousness and Gods truth? Are they straightening their feet to walk in the Spirit and yield to Gods will and plan? or out to build their own kingdoms and walk in their own understanding? And what about Grace? Is it not more than the gift of the forgiveness of sins, but also the power and gift of the Holy Ghost to equip, teach, strengthen, transform, and empower us with everything we need to be able to go on to holiness and be transformed into the image of Christ? Grace is not a excuse for us to live sloppy, unchanged lives. It is not an excuse to remain in sin and darkness, and not to be used to try to pacify ourselves to believe that holiness is unattainable. In Christ we are overcomers and if we will trust, believe, and yield our entire beings to our creator...We can go on to holiness if the Spirit of holiness dwells within us. So I speak today and say that...Gods only requirement to inherit eternal life is not simply the confessing of our sins, but has a second side or another facet to it to make it complete, and that is to go on to do the will of the Father and to endure to the end. If this were not true than why would we have to persevere, stand fast in the Faith, and there only be a FEW that truly finds life. Because the Strait gate is the way of surrendering, sacrificing, and a life that is not about self/flesh, but about a God who is holy and says to us...Walk upright before me and be Ye holy as I am holy. Once saved always saved? or is this merely a device to allow for sin and compromise? I believe in a Holy God and I desire to live a Godly life and walk before Him with a clean heart and body. What man thinks is right and wrong I have no interests in whatsoever. The only one I desire to please is God & in speaking whatever He desires to be said. So in closing being born again is merely the first step in salvation, now we have to go on to yielding to the Holy Ghost to take us on into the promised land. As we are seeing the end times unfolding before our very eyes and the day of the Lord approaching...Let us be wise like the 10 virgins who were prepared with oil in there lamps and awaiting the bridegroom, and not like the ones who had not made preparation and were left. Today is the day. Let us set our houses in order and be about the Fathers business and standing on the word and cleansing our hearts, minds, and bodies. The coming of the Lord is nearer than when we first believed.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 15:35:08 +0000

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