Moth living in a mans head... really. Metro- Rob Fielding, 43, - TopicsExpress


Moth living in a mans head... really. Metro- Rob Fielding, 43, was reading in bed when the insect pitched on his ear. He instinctively reached up to poke it away – but ended up pushing the moth into his ear canal. It buzzed for three days in which made him jump and twitch. He was referred to an ear surgeon and underwent an agonising 90-minute op where his ear canal was prised open and the moth pulled out with a tiny pair of forceps. The man now proudly displays the dead insect on his mantel. ‘Luckily, the kids find it absolutely hilarious and are obsessed with showing everyone our new pet.’ This is like one of those urban legends that are just too crazy to believe. Like the one of the spider that bit a sleeping man and laid eggs inside his lip. I think they hatched and some kind of craziness pursued. Im pretty sure there is a Taco Bell one too. That one wasnt as effective on me because, honestly, I would take a few baby cockroaches under the skin for a double decker taco supreme. Any day of the week. Just keeping it trill. Side note- Rob seriously should consider getting his kids a dog. Im not sure that a moth living in daddys head makes for the best pet. Although no argument from me on this being the best f*cking thing to ever bring to show and tell day. Thats an A+ for sure. --------- Like our FB page for more craziness and check out our live show On Demand 24/7! Watch: Podcasting: Subscribe- YouTube: Spreaker:
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:31:48 +0000

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