Mother Earth Is Not A Political Football by Diane Christin - TopicsExpress


Mother Earth Is Not A Political Football by Diane Christin Zenchenko Esser This is off the record. No names to protect a well paying, well-drilling job. Actually, I was sheepish to ask a friend who has a job with an oil drilling company the direct question, when you are drilling, are there accidents that dont make the news? Yeswas the honest reply. The EPA was ready to step in the last time, but we had gotten it under control. I continued to prod, Did any of the oil seep into our water table? Yes. again, was his reply. My last question was the most important, how much seeped into our watertable? That was an unknown figure. This same man, is now hoping his son will get a job with this well paying company. I will not discuss salary because the dollar amount is staggeringly high. But they are willing as a family to spend time apart to reunite with a large paycheck each time. That paycheck affords them a life that will buy them good food, and take care of the house and childrens future. Childrens future. Ponder those two words a moment. You see, we have the same water on this planet that we had when the Dinosaurs roamed Earth. And, once we damage that water, well, can you answer me where are we going to get clean water? You do know it is the source of what creates life as we know it. We will continue to hear it. Environmental consequences from unconventional drilling techniques. But as we gain knowledge,we gain power as to our individual power in choosing energy, and in protecting our future. I also recently learned, that in our very own state of Pennsylvania, that State employees cannot side on the side of climate change issues, or align themselves with organizations that are. Some people have chosen to make this political. Sorry folks. Mother Earth is not a political football. This game could turn into they win, we lose. That cannot happen. Large spills can destroy an ecosystem. Recent news that determined by the courts, after almost 4 years, that the BP spill was of grossly negligent proportions. Of course, BP belly ached about that because it doesnt want people to think they have pocketbooks deeper than the wells they drill. They say they never saw an oiled oyster. Well, maybe that is because they were in England. And, by the way, there are new leases our government has given them to drill more wells in the Gulf. So, we need to have each others back. It is about our eco systems. It is about our environment. I dont want you to put this read down feeling like you have no control. Oh, believe me you do. And, to boot, there is a chance your voice will fall on deaf ears of politicians who take money from oil companies for their campaigns. So, there is your very own pro action, individually, to take charge. I am sure you are feeling powerful already. I hope so. Begin by making a list by what you can do today. Electric cars are coming down in price. No emissions. That is one step. Or, making that list to do all shopping in one trip if electric isnt in the budget yet. ( could easily be saving 100.00 a week in gasoline...and that all ads up to a car payment for an emission free car) We all know about turning lights off...and there are more solar products coming out as my fingers fly here. More romantic candlelit or solar lit dinners could be built into your future. Here is a big one. I was at a private school that had only one option for children for transportation, and that was an enormous car line every morning and afternoon. Many parents in one vehicle, so it didnt look very car pool friendly, and engines idling, then cars inching forward. Well, for every gallon of gas burned we have about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide thrown in the air that our kiddies are going to inhale as soon as they go out that door into that car line. And, I see no tree corridors in these car lines, and we all know that those mighty giants love that CO2 toxic stuff and spit out oxygen. Well, maybe not spit, but you see where I am going with this. Tree corridors are a must for our future that will help clean up car emissions, and toxins in our atmosphere in general. I sometimes hear people say, I have trees on my property which is great, but we need them to border our streets so the trees can get their carbon fix and we can get our oxygen high. It requires us as individuals, and organizations to begin to rethink how car line transportation can be modified and keeping in mind, it is about our health collectively. I am going to the Climate Change March in New York City this month, and will be listening to voices that know energy change must happen. But I am confident we can all join forces to make one unified effort to make this a healthier place to inhabit just by changing habits. We want this beautiful blue marble in space, that is our home, to stay that way. Diane Christin Zenchenko Esser Millcreek, Pa. Founder/Program Development - I Am A Planet Kid fb: iamaplanetkid LinkedIn: Diane Esser, Erie, Pa.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:47:44 +0000

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